This week's top stories include Godsmack's South American tour getting canceled due to low ticket sales, a mysterious Pantera song that clearly wasn't them, the never-getting-released Slipknot album, and more!
- Nobody Wanted To See GODSMACK In South America
- This New PANTERA Song Sure Isn't PANTERA
- KITTIE's MORGAN LANDER Has A Very Rational Opinion On Modern PANTERA
- CHRIS BARNES Names His Favorite Death Metal Albums
- COREY TAYLOR Hopes SLIPKNOT Never Releases Look Outside Your Window
- 34 Songs To Remember How Good 2003 Was For Metal
- The Kids Don't Like LIMP BIZKIT
- BURTON C. BELL Isn't Keeping Up With FEAR FACTORY Anymore
- STEVE HARRIS Seems To Think IRON MAIDEN's Days Are Numbered
- NAPALM DEATH Vocalist Breaks His Ankle On Stage, Continues Touring