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In Case You're Wondering What Sort Of House OZZY & SHARON Would Live In

As much as we all hate to admit it, we're very voyeuristic by nature. That's why TMZ is such a popular site. That's why, as much as I told myself I didn't care, when the above video popped up in my RSS feed, showcasing Ozzy and Sharon's former Malibu home, which was up for sale, I couldn't help but see where the Prince of Darkness once called home. And, it's pretty fuckin' classy. Sharon doesn't fuck around. The Osbournes just unloaded the house for a cool $7.925 million. While originally listing the place at $10 mil, and in 2006, listing it at $14 mil, I guess they didn't get the full price they were hoping for. Somehow, I think they'll manage…

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