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What works so well about this is two-fold: the chemistry and the, well, body of works for both bands. Krieg and The Body both...


Black Metal is difficult for many people to enjoy, especially those individuals not accustomed to metal. Those who appreciate black metal, though, will find...


Shining play off like a madman’s psychotic episode on their seventh studio record, more comfortable yet with an approach that differs from the conventional...


Swallow the Sun continues on their path previously trodden. A much deeper, and more serious accompaniment is apparent on Songs from the North I,...


This Brisbane-based band was formed by guitarist/vocalist Sam Vallen and vocalist Jim Grey (Arcane) in early 2011. Following their past release of The Tide,...


Simply considering this music to be 'appropriate for a horror movie soundtrack' would not be giving justice to the blood-boiling standards presented. The samples...


Intronaut is a special, one-of-a-kind band. Ever since they released their Null EP in 2006, they've been on an upward spiral into the upper...


If you’ve had issue with Abigail Williams in the past, don’t let that stop you from listening to what is actually a fantastically composed...


If tech-death is your jam then this album will probably knock your socks off or at least pull them part way down.


Along with Dismember, Unleashed, and Entombed, Grave stands for a sound that was birthed and perfected in Sweden. Unfailingly loyal to the genre, Lindgren...


Since the formation of the band in 2009, Horrendous has released two full-length albums, and will release their third, Anareta on October 27th, 2015....


If you're interested in fast death metal with very brutal characteristics, this four-piece North Carolina band is an entertaining selection.


London, England's venerable and vicious Killing Joke is a band that, arguably, has been coming so close to its classic era of late that...


Die Choking have already told us twice that they have little interest in tuning out their ADHD riffage (in a world that's oddly developed...


It’s easy to imagine Zombi being swallowed by the very sea of artists they helped inspire, but these two guys have several advantages that...


Labeling Twitching Tongues as purely hardcore or solely as alternative metal, would not be doing their material justice. Every stylistic shift that is seamingly...


Since 2009, when A Higher Place was released, Born of Osiris has been able to release a new album every two years. Soul Sphere...


The orchestral element is vital in So Hideous' aesthetic, a trait of true unique distinction. For any doubters or naysayers, the inclusion of an...


The sound displayed on True Will is exactly what is to be expected on a decent debut album. White Widows Pact excel within their...


Ritual Killer is the kind of beast that makes no bones about what it's here to do. When the songs kick on and the...


Sevendust is a divisive band within the metalsphere, one that so-called "trve" metalheads either love to hate or hate to love. Either they're dogged...


This Russia based brutal death mental band is re-issuing The Anomalies Of Artificial Origin, thanks to Unique Leader Records who signed them earlier this...


Germany’s Pyogenesis is probably most renowned, or reviled, for the drastic transformation they’ve made over the course of their existence and subsequent rejuvenation. Specifically,...