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"Transmissions from Mothership Earth is a simply brilliant album, a delightful time capsule buried deep where the modern world and its worries can't touch...


"The Pornography or Ruin never lets its obliterating heaviness overstay its welcome, preferring to marinate in drifting gloom than abject harshness."


"Tiktaalika flows like a single progressive metal odyssey that never stops blowing you away."


"On the astonishing Phototroph, Moon Tooth has finally fully realized the incredible potential that has been obvious to anyone closely following their already impressive...


The blackened NWOBHM trend shows no signs of slowing down, pushing the genre more and more into the forefront. Nite's sinister sophomore effort, Voices...


"Parrhesia is an extremely enjoyable and exemplary—if also fairly familiar—addition to Animals as Leaders' catalog."


"When you put it all together, this is Dark Funeral's greatest record to date.The strength is in the diversity of compositions."


"This is a start to finish experience that will leave you wanting more."


"This EP might only be four songs, but let me assure you, you'll be playing these four songs over and over again."


"The album is a grandiose, 70s revival that would make our metal ancestors proud."


"This album’s balance of technical brutality, haunting ritualism and inexplicable catchiness can’t be replicated.."


The Work is by far the group’s most cohesive, ambitious, meditative, and varied effort, with greater uses of philosophical significance and transcendental respites.


Say what you will about Dino Cazares, but the Fear Factory lynchpin has dealt with the highest of highs and lowest of lows since...


Somewhere, someone writing or YouTubing (or however kid's today get their point across) a review of Cannibal Corpse’s 15th album is kicking it off...


Liquid Tension Experiment 3 is a remarkable return for one of progressive metal’s greatest instrumental troupes.


Call it the return of a supergroup, if you must, or call it the return of a collection of dudes known for their ability...


With Product of My Environment, Jarhead Fertilizer becomes the kick in the teeth the extreme metal underground needs in 2021.


Halloween has come early in 2021. Goth rock super couple Anders Manga and Devillia must have taken its cancellation harder than most. Songs of...


American prog veterans Fates Warning return with their thirteenth studio effort Long Day Good Night, a lengthy but rewarding listen.


If you think castles, ghosts, vampires, and candelabras are rad, then you'll dig this album. If not, well ... nobody's perfect.


Panther is not only one of Pain of Salvation's best records, but also one of the best albums of 2020.


Holocene Extinction is above and beyond the band’s past material. Not only that, it is an album that has arrived at the perfect time...


Perhaps because the band had to recover, hunker down and hammer it out against the odds, Palimpsest contains some of Protest The Hero's most...