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Search results for "bat"


When Ronnie James Dio tragically passed away in 2010, he was hands down the most significant artist (*) that the heavy metal community had...


Command Your Weather bears the most consistent blend of hooks and heaviosity in the Big Business catalog since that first statement of purpose, Head...


Meek is Murder is a downright lethal trio of fantastic musicians, and their latest opus Was makes a strong case for their name to...


On their twelfth release, the group fully embraces the notion of distancing themselves from their rivals. Theories of Flight excels at both showcasing their...


The United States Black Metal scene receives an icy, Nordic blast by way of New York's Anicon.


Omega Monolith are weird, wonderfully so. But every once in a while you have to step back and ask - is this music or...


Three records in, Netherlands is likely to be 2016's version of that band that everyone pretends they've been listening to all along, lest they...


Oh my dear Lord, they have tits!!


Hailing from The Sword's own hometown of Austin, Texas and also featuring a retro sound heavily favoring 70's boogie riffs, Scorpion Child proudly sidestep...


Here we are, half way through 2016, where a competitive batch of Doom/Sludge bands will be competing and compared to one another. Will Cough's...


Mars Red Sky's capacity is widely diverse, ranging from low-end riffs before layering on their circus quirky personality. Both of these opposing attributes are...


The latest thrashterpiece from sci-fi thrashers Vektor sees the band defending its reputation as the most innovative modern thrash band, even if the album...


If you’re looking for a chaotic, yet captivating take on pure, straightforward black metal: listen to The Poisonous Path. If you don’t like straightforward...


In the interest of full disclosure, and as a demonstration of the transformative power that comes with taking one’s time and ignoring first impressions,...


It's debatable whether Electric Warlock is a superior album to its predecessor, Venomous Rat Regeneration Vendor, but frankly after the career nadir of the...


Graves at Sea is triumphant; sounding like a unit bristling with animated energy and freshness despite having produced a work no one would be...


Elephant Tree make fr a fascinating, sitar padded listen - even if they do get a bit boring after a while.


Cult Of Luna and Julie Christmas have just put out one of the best albums of the year. Monolithic and authoritative, this is the...


Zakk Wylde has just put out his best album in years... and it's an acoustic record.


Regarding the legacy of the band, I view Deftones as divided into two entities, segmented by the passing of Chi. Adrenaline through Saturday Night...


Along with the two volumes of Metal for Muthas, the Metal Massacre series loom large over the history of heavy metal in the 1980's....


American Head Charge is a good example of one of those bands that got left behind. Riding the nü metal wave, they found limited...


What can be said with faithful finality is that listening to Moonsorrow is a cinematic experience. Their brand of monolithic and aristocratic blackened pagan...