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Search results for "bat"


Overall, I like Torment, but I’m definitely not in love with it. The musicianship that is immortalized on this album is fantastic, and there...


The High Heat Licks Against Heaven blends its disparate elements into an absorbing listen, and as such makes it one of the stronger releases...


Welcome Power Trip's Nightmare Logic in all its thrash and hardcore perfection!


Whether you’re a fan or not, it has to be recognized that there’s no band like the singular, shape-shifting force of musical nature and...


Thirty years in, Immolation are still going strong, and their 10th studio album Atonement is hard proof of their continual mastery – and domination...


Considering it's been over 45 years since it all began, I find myself involuntary rolling my eyes once I hear yet another band go...


Aborym has always been a band swathed in black metal wrapping paper that, once torn open with the zeal of a child on their...


Are The Ominous Circle this generations death metal saviors? We think so.


Au Champs De Morts have rapidly taken their place in the scene as one of French's premier black metal bands.


Former Kyuss singer John Garcia returns with a solo mash-up of acoustic Kyuss covers and new electric material


For those in the know, Heavy Temple have been one of Philadelphia's strongest doom exports in recent years


I've always found it a tad strange that Nine Inch Nails aren't regularly included in discussions of significant metal bands. While I'd agree that...


Two Fistula records in one year? I’d say you’re too kind, 2016, but we all know that’s bullshit. But I’ll take any miniscule amount...


FFO: Born of Osiris, The Faceless, Between the Buried and Me


Old school black metal pioneers Root are back, and they are just as potent as ever!


I know I know, instrumental stoner metal usually sucks but guess what, Spore Lord have apparently figured it out!


If you were expecting any amount of originality from Ranger’s second full length, you’ll definitely want to check that expectation at the door. If...


Hornss are doom metal for the modern age combining old and new in breathtaking technicolor.


When the string of singles for this year's Hardwired... to Self Destruct started rolling out, I had a similar reaction: a fine listen once...


Avenged Sevenfold returns with The Stage: a vast and powerful collection of music found amongst the stars.


Whether you think positively or negatively about Hammerfall, the Swedes have to be respected for being one of the initial bands to break heavy...


There's no single song here capable of making one singlehandedly forget Underground Resistance or Circle the Wagons, but as a whole you'll probably find...


All in all Deathgrip is a solid release. It's the same style of music that Fit For A King has been writing for half...