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Search results for "bat"


Houston is known for scorching heat, 110% humidity, it's status as the United States' fattest city and a crime rate that rivals New York...


I know this review is about a year over due, but I felt that it was about time someone gave this band a little...


Except for perhaps Brazil's Violator, California's Merciless Death is the cream of today's "retro thrash" crop.  It's hardly infernal overkill to say that Evil...


N.I.L. ("Nihilism is Liberation") is N. Imperial – whose long resume includes Krieg, Nachtmystium, Twilight, Weltmacht, and Devotee – and J. Marcheski, who moonlights with...


"Obscurus Advocam" and "Verbia Daemonicus" are evidently improper Latin for "Invocation of Darkness" and "Speech of the Devil."  Latin is the official language of...


Ever since Martin Brändström joined Dark Tranquillity for 1999's Projector, the band has honed its now-signature sound – keyboard-driven, Gothenburg melodic death metal.  Changes...


I really want to hate this, but I can't. Christian metalcore with touches of emo – this album came with three strikes against it....


On its debut full-length, San Diego's Warface serves up no-frills, old-school death metal. Suffocation comes to mind in the death growls, blastbeats alternating with...


Metal bands often talk of war, but few actually sound like it. Amon Amarth and Bolt Thrower have built careers around war themes, yet...


"Hail the holy four pillars of uncreation: sodomy, abortion, suicide, and cannibalism!" So reads the "Manifest" on Heresi's website. Heresi is one Skamfer, who...


Two weeks ago I ventured my way into the depths of the underbelly of Detroit, Harpos. For those of you not familiar with the...


When Manowar do things, they do them big. Their album covers are filled with big men with big muscles holding big swords. Their tunes...