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Search results for "hook"


Crack the Skye left me with some rather bittersweet and curious feelings towards the future and direction of Mastodon, one of the genre’s most...


The Armageddon chord is the first novel by musician and songwriter Jeremy Wagner. In a broad sense, the book is a fun, fast-paced explosion...


Recently, while cleaning my house, blasting Rust in Peace and playing air guitar with the vacuum cleaner hose, I began to ponder metal's rejuvenating...


I generally try to shy away from direct band comparisons, unless the antecedents were such blatant influences that to ignore them would be to...


Discounting the formative, retrospectively uncharacteristic Retribution – well received at the time but juvenilia in hindsight – Obscura launched themselves to the forefront of...


Canada’s Protest The Hero has been making quite a buzz in the metal scene ever since their 2005 release, Kezia. The band has always...

A Female Perspective

If there is ever a band that can turn a man into a jelly of emotions it's Evergrey. Hold on, don't stop reading just...


by Jeremy Ülrey Continuing apace the goth-country minimalism he's specialized in since his 2005 reemergence, Dylan Carlson once again saddles up his warhorse and...


By Kit Brown I was first introduced to Savannah’s sludge-metal quintet KYLESA last year when I saw them as a supporting act on MASTODON’s...

Latest News

by James Zalucky Blood in the Gears is the new album from southern metal act, The Showdown. The album begins with the snarl of...


We sent old-school death metal fan James Zalucky to the NY stop of the Summer Slaughter tour to get an old school fan's perspective...


By Ben Apatoff Five records into their career, NORMA JEAN aren't losing any energy. Most metalcore vocalists could learn from CORY BRANDAN's ferocious clean...


By: Navjot Kaur Back in the early days of Feel the Fire, when tape-trading was the way to market yourself in a glam-metal dominated...


By Ben Apatoff ROB ZOMBIE is one of the most creative frontmen in contemporary metal. Sonically and visually, he's reshaped alterna-metal and rock radio...


By Ben Apatoff New PEARL JAM sounding too soft? Still too soon to discuss the latest CHRIS CORNELL debacle? Fear not, grungeheads, because ALICE...


Two years after releasing the catchiest sludge metal album in history, BIG BUSINESS are back, this time with a guitarist. For whatever distinction they've...


Their Georgia home base, crossover appeal, sporadic tempo changes and blend of classic rock, stoner and alternative influences may all scream the name of...


No band has done more for American metal under the Bush years than LAMB OF GOD. For eight years, Virginia's finest upped the ante...


Five albums and three singers into their career, Darkane are still slipping melodies into their thrash-infested death metal. Demonic Art doesn't try anything new,...


A few summers ago, the Giraffes' self-titled breakthrough established them as one of the best new hard rock bands since Queens of the Stone...


I'm conflicted about retro thrash.  As trends go, there's far worse, like metalcore, deathcore, and symphonic Hot Topic-core with token sex object keyboardists.  It...


What is a band debut doing on Roadrunner?  These days, the label seems to trade only blue chips, solely acquiring seasoned veterans with established...


Most people will know Sickening Horror for drummer George Kollias, of Nile notoriety.  This is good in that his work on the Greek band's full-length...