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Search results for "hook"

At The Movies

The key value in this book is not so much in the research as the actual, lived-in expertise and insight that McPadden brings to...


Crawling out of a graveyard in typically un-satanic North Carolina, Bloody Hammers are full-on horror rock with the eerie glam of Marilyn Manson and...


Now, almost as if in response to The Satanist, Spain's Teitanblood has loosed Death; a nigh impenetrable mass of atavistic black/death chaos. Death is...


Discussing whether or not music rings trve, kvlt or hipster seems to dominate conversations within the circles of metal dorkdom, and absolutely no one...


Last year we celebrated the Collaboration/Supergroup and I was well aware that a few rather interesting ones were on their way. Still on the way,...


European power metal has a tendency towards bombast and everything-but-the-kitchen-sink production value. Bands like Blind Guardian and Sabaton build careers on creating music that's as sweeping and...


It's a shame power metal doesn't get more respect or attention because metal fans are missing out on a lot of good releases like...


Oblation – noun \ə-ˈblā-shən, ō-\ – defined as "to make a religious offering or an offering of devotion", in this case the first new...


Across the spectrum in today's metal scene there are albums done with computers, triggers, effects, and a ton of studio tinkering, and then there...

Black Metal History

By 2002, True Norwegian Black Metal had become a shadow of its former self; many of the subgenre's powerhouse bands had either disbanded or...


I hope you’re ready for some fuckin thrash… not the tired repetitive trash you hear trying to pass for thrash in recent years, but...


We review the powerful new Lamb of God documentary.

Black Metal History

Almost any discussion about black metal invariably starts by referencing bands from the second wave of the sub-genre like Mayhem, Darkthrone, Burzum, and Immortal. It's not surprising since...


The topic of ‘supergroup’ or ‘all-star’ band conjures some images of epic failures and some distinguished triumphs; De La Tierra being billed this way immediately...


Ever since the post on the albums that can celebrate their 10th anniversary in the year 2014, I’ve been thinking on a lot of...


Fans of early Napalm Death are going to want to listen up.


Let's be frank, shall we? 23 years into the band's recorded history, there have been far more mediocre Deicide albums than truly good ones. No one...


Hypothetically let's say we've taken a record of Ihsahn's overall style from his past four solo records. Let's say this tome contains a fairly...


There's a lot of hype surrounding Atlantean Kodex's sophomore album, The White Goddess, right now. That's not news in and of itself; in any...


When a band gathers an audience from their inception, expectations get skewed in an unfair way. A hit song can be a blessing in...


Touché Amoré is a progressive/melodic hardcore band hailing out of Los Angeles, best known for their excellent song structure and heartfelt lyricism that is...


Before I started listening to this album, the first thing I thought of was: "funny they gave it the name Sister, there's an old...


Heroism looms large in the metal pantheon. Yet as much fussing over the concept goes on, few of the genre's practitioners possess the conviction...