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Search results for "Studio"


When you’re dealing with a band that’s basically as untouchable as Cannibal Corpse, the fanbase already knows what they’re getting into. And in this...


When your public nemesis is the likes of Gene Simmons, it's not difficult to come off as the sympathetic party in the Kisstory war...


If you're a fan of Dragonforce, definitely get this record. If you're looking for something new, give it a listen but know you're not...


Protestant is a Milwaukee, WI crust band with plenty of hardcore and metal influences to spare. The band has built a lengthy legacy since...


Slayer's Kerry King has been quoted in recent memory as stating that if the so called Big Four of 80's thrash were expanded to...


Since 2002, the French band has been on a prolific seven album scavenger hunt for the most grizzled, colossal and Earth-moving guitar tone. And...


Redeemer of Souls is out tomorrow!


Goatwhore occupy a singular niche in modern metal: beloved by many, but also mourned by a non-trivial demographic who bemoan the fact that they're...


With Arch Enemy’s new vocalist, former The Agonist vocalist Alissa White-Gluz, there was little questioning whether or not she’d be able to fill the...


Emerging out of the rough-edged husk of lineup changes and label unrest - including a six year gap (2003-2009) between releases - is a...


The band has thrown enough curve balls at us to make the anticipation a bit uneasy for some, but with Mayhem one thing is...


Eyehategod have never really went away so much as just splintered back into their plethora of side projects before any meaningful amount of songwriting...


Now, almost as if in response to The Satanist, Spain's Teitanblood has loosed Death; a nigh impenetrable mass of atavistic black/death chaos. Death is...


One of the most disappointing omissions from this year's Summer Slaughter lineup is Vancouver's oft-slept on Archspire. Having released a profile-raising sophomore album last month...


American audiences may not be too familiar with criminally under-appreciated German speed institution Holy Moses, a band unique for two main reasons: having formed...


Austrian three-piece Dornenreich have existed since 1996, releasing seven studio albums while dazzling us with their neo-folk infused take on black metal and chamber...


Symphonic metal is one of the most artistic subgenres of metal. I feel like there’s a certain way it needs to be done in...


Across the spectrum in today's metal scene there are albums done with computers, triggers, effects, and a ton of studio tinkering, and then there...


There is definitely something really honorable about Carnifex, in how they are fine with their label of deathcore and seem to have no problem...


The topic of ‘supergroup’ or ‘all-star’ band conjures some images of epic failures and some distinguished triumphs; De La Tierra being billed this way immediately...


When Wolves in the Throne Room recorded a BBC session directly after the sessions for the album Celestial Lineage, the result was nothing less...


What happens when you take one dude from East of the Wall, one dude that used to be in East of the Wall and...


I'm thinking that this will be my last Weekly Injection for the year. This time of year is nothing but stuff being put out...