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Search results for "Studio"


The orchestral element is vital in So Hideous' aesthetic, a trait of true unique distinction. For any doubters or naysayers, the inclusion of an...


Black Breath is the kind of band that evolves at its own pace and Slave Beyond Death brings out some of their thickest, strongest...


After ten releases, a rock/metal band is usually expected to be in its winding-down transition. Yet, some find their way to soldier through writer's...


So, Golgotha. Album number fifteen. Holy crap! They’ve released thirteen albums since I stopped giving a shit? Thirteen! That’s crazy.


With three solid vocalists in their studio recording history, there's arguably one voice that can be considered the most definitively fitting for TesseracT. Not...


It’s been happening slowly and stealthily over the course of the last decade or so. Insidious and incremental and bit-by-bit. It’s been so gradual...


As a member of Rhapsody, Luca Turilli, along with keyboardist Alex Staropoli and vocalist Fabio Lione helped push power metal to heights of epicness...


With recent releases via Killer Be Killed & Cavalera Conspiracy, the consistent frontman Max Cavalera has undeniably proven to be prolific. Yet, with another...


I have all the respect in the world for Australia’s King Parrot. They’re a band that has basically taken the step of diving head...


Sol Invictus has been a long time coming, given that the band have been touring consistently off and on since 2009, and the most...


“Every frame of this movie looks like someone's last known photo.” While these words were uttered in the infamous Mystery Science Theater 3000 episode...


Confounding their critics, Moonspell's albums since Sin/Pecado give the impression that after each album cycle they form their own chrysalis, reemerging when the time...


Pelican's discography has gotten increasingly "single"-heavy over the years, so it's not surprising that they've opted to rebound from last year's excellent live album, Artika,...


"Watchers of Rule showcases a band firing on all cylinders. There is an urgency, a purpose and a drive I haven't felt in a...


So, there’s a new Sodom EP out, but it really only consists of about six minutes of new material.


Yes. London’s Haken really like Yes. That much has been evident since they burst on to the progressive metal scene back in 2010 with...


In existence since the mid-nineties, Dawnbringer released three gritty, punk-cum-early NWOBHM inspired albums before catching a lot more attention and acclaim with 2010's Nucleus...


Katatonia have been in a reflective mood of late. After retooling their 2012 album Dead End Kings on last year's Dethroned and Uncrowned, the...


There is power metal that apes and perpetuates those old school tropes, and then there is the brooding, doom-edged metal of Sanctuary. The Year...


In the most basic terms, Ævangelist is a black/death band. The music this duo creates is similar to the racket that Teitanblood belched into...


Bloodsoaked. The name, logo and sound may, at first glance, place the band smack-dab in the ordinary category, but this North Carolina outfit has...


In 2012 Between The Buried And Me released their finest album since Colors in The Parallax II: Future Sequence and soon began playing this...


September 12th marks the third anniversary of the most recent Anthrax album, Worship Music, so let’s hope this cherry on the cake – a...