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It’s rare for a metal band to forsake the electric guitar—acts such as Horse Latitudes and Godheadsilo come to mind. The latter was a...


Eight years after his near-perfect debut Oniric Metal, keyboardist and composer Vivien Lalu is back with a much more refined and mature approach on crafting...


Chimaira is definitely up there in the respected names of metal. The band, their music, and their iconic players have gone down to become...


Friday night I had one of the coolest metal moments of my metal nerd life. Summer Slaughter kicked off in San Francisco and The Ocean put...


At the time of this Weekly Injection, I am in my usual metal dungeon, but this time I am surrounded by a small group...


Congratulations! If you are reading this, you survived this weekend's Supermoon invasion. It was a little touch-and-go, as we all know, and those we...


Children of Bodom have never taken themselves all that seriously. For a band that is probably known to more random Youtubers for their novelty cover...


Holy hell, you guys! The metal gods heard my complaining last week. I made the mistake of bitching about not enough notable releases, and...


There's something unsettling about the music of Tristan Shone, a.k.a. Author & Punisher. It's hard to pinpoint, but there's a certain menace about the...


On the tenth anniversary of the release of Metallica's St. Anger, Rob remembered that I had made some off the cuff remarks that some...


This week felt like both a slow week for albums and a huge week for albums. There were not that many new releases that...


As I write this, I am eagerly awaiting Netflix to flip that switch that will give me hours of more Arrested Development. Now mind you, I...

Quick Bits

Greetings once again all you metal nerds. This was a rough week. Rough in a sense that there was almost too much good stuff...


The Omega Experiment's self-titled debut has been out for a little over a year now, but the April 9 re-release on Listenable Records is...


There are thousands upon thousands of forgotten bands buried and rotting in the coffin of time. And while the heap is often justifiable hill...

Throwback Thursday

Each week on ‘Throwback Thursday’ we dust off a crucial but underrated album, without which heavy metal’s evolution would have turned out quite differently....


If you can picture yourself sitting in the darkest space imaginable for years with nothing more than a pen to record and isolate your...

Throwback Thursday

Each week on ‘Throwback Thursday’ we dust off a crucial but underrated album, without which heavy metal’s evolution would have turned out quite differently....

METAL Injection

Körkarlen, or The Phantom Carriage, was released in 1921 and directed by the father of Swedish cinema, Victor Sjöström. According to its story, the...

Throwback Thursday

Each week on ‘Throwback Thursday’ we dust off a crucial but underrated album, without which heavy metal’s evolution would have turned out quite differently....


When you think of blast beats you're mind probably goes to something like Napalm Death or Rotten Sound nowadays. Perhaps Pig Destroyer's Prowler in...

Black Metal History

It's both ironic and fitting that, while debate heats with every passing year about who is more "kvlt" in the realm of black metal,...


Ancient VVisdom broke through last year when Prosthetic re-released their 2011 independent album A Godlike Inferno. Critics and punters alike found themselves enamored of the band's...