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The ways in which the soft and heavy personas of Phanerozoic I: Palaeozoic combine mark The Ocean Collective as masters of creative duality.


Opeth play songs from throughout their career, but focus mainly on new material on their latest live release, Garden of the Titans: Live at...


To save myself from eye-rollers and naysayers in regards to the use of subgenres in order to define a band's sound, I fully agree...


The Unheavenly Creatures is a mostly captivating continuation of the Amory Wars saga that cements how relevant, idiosyncratic, and cherishable Coheed and Cambria remains.


On their latest album, The Wake, legendary Canadian progmeisters Voivod show their creativity and innovation is as strong as ever.


Chicago doom: invincible, immaculate, larger than life and prone to taking on the world. Trouble was of course the forefathers, but when hard times hit the...


While the Deafheaven comparison can be justified, Further Still emerges more like a crusty punk rocker hell bent on grinding it out like latter...


Whether it be the iconic imagery and storytelling on Pink Floyd's The Wall or the interstellar plot of Mastodon's Crack the Skye, it can...


Finnish melodeath veterans Omnium Gatherum have been churning out consistently good albums for nearly two decades. How does their latest effort The Burning Cold...


Somewhere amidst the rise of metalcore and post-hardcore, the notion of meshing pop music elements with metal emerged. Heavy instrumentals were flipped upside down...


While some of my favorite albums excel because of their superb creativity and unmatched innovation, the most pleasing and significant records tend to be...


This brutal death album leaves little room for any groove or slam, and is all business in the rolling ball of membrane waiting to...


Anomie is a triumphant record chiefly because of how well the band implements a multitude of styles not only on one album but, more...


Thou's three newest EPs flesh the various aspects that encompass their impending full-length album.


The brutal death and slam metal styles have always been a strange concept for me to wrap my mind around. There isn't really a...


Ocean Machine: Live at the Ancient Roman Theatre Plovdiv is perhaps the quintessential Devin Townsend concert release, not necessarily because of its music but...


Witchkiss are gathering their collective force and we have a feeling that they will soon be representing the next generation of doom and kicking...


Eight grim and frostbitten tracks with a ferocity and blackened dynamism not heard since their classic At The Heart Of Winter album nearly twenty...


In following up 2016's Trust No One, DevilDriver decided to record a covers album. Eschewing typical metal band cover fare, Dez Fafara and company...

At The Movies

Bloodlines: The Art and Life of Vincent Castiglia, is a morbid, fascinating, and remarkably inspiring new documentary about one of the most acclaimed artists...


Alright, kids. Are you ready for a fresh-out-of-the-oven hot take? Here it comes… *drum roll* I personally think a good chunk of stoner metal...


Passage into the Xexanotth is an unearthly descent into a primordial hellscape and should utterly annihilate any notion that Chthe'ilist’s 2016 debut was a...


It’s comforting to know that the old guard can throw down as hard as, if not harder than, today’s young bucks.