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Impending Doom is about to release their sixth studio album The Sin and Doom Vol. II. The Christian Deathcore band from Southern California has...


I think we can all agree that the metalcore and deathcore scenes hit a hard dead end in somewhat recent years. They became rife...


Hailing from Sweden, home to some of the most essential metal, comes Follow The Cipher. For a band just releasing their debut, there's a...


Organectomy make for an magnificent addition to the Unique Leader family, bringing in their own brand of onslaught


Wolf King have added a gem to the blackened hardcore canon!


The Body's I Have Fought Against It, But I Can’t Any Longer, is a theatrical exploration of pain, depression, and darkness. Its atmospheric approach...


At The Gates newest album, To Drink From The Night Itself, is an outstanding achievement of art


The elements which brought Wolvhammer to where they are today remain. A broader scope and sense of adventure has opened up new possibilities.


One pivotal day in the winter of 1994, four college students from Virginia Commonwealth University decided to form a band. This decision would not...


There is something to be said for experience and longevity. If you, as a death metal musician, have survived decades upon decades in this...


I'm going to be straight up, right off the bat. This album will absolutely be hitting my top albums of the year list come...


Spiraling and crazed death metal from Amarillo, The Abolishment Of Flesh's debut proves they aren't messing around.


The Level Above Human is an excellent achievement for Ingested, showcasing their supreme mastery in crafting violent music.


Considering how long it’s been gestating, it’s downright remarkable that Eat the Elephant is so richly surprising, dependable, and multifaceted (in every way possible).


Panopticon's newest album is an easy contender for album of the year. Prepare for a magnificent journey in the double album experience that is,...


Lurking behind the wall of trends and polished tides of sound are bands whose output dwells within stranger realms—unattached to the expectations of the...


Beyond the Mortal Gate is a great album for black metal devotees eager to hear the sound taken to new and interesting places, but...


It's been nearly a decade since the last full length from Mournful Congregation, but with The Incubus Of Kharma they knock it out of...


Recently, a New York Times’ tech reporter wrote a piece about spending a couple of months deliberately ignoring the digital news, internet newsfeeds. Time spent...


Oceans of Slumber have crafted a tender power in each song on The Banished Heart that unfurls slowly with deep, steady, smoky vocals and thick thoughtful riffs....


Its been 3 years since The Sword graced us with High Country, their fifth studio album. The record spurred a division between fans. Some...


Buckle up kids this is going to be one of the most bizarre records you listen too all year!