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People gon' be mad, but this should be awesome!
Hi, what are you looking for?
People gon' be mad, but this should be awesome!
Rekindle your obsession with The Obsessed.
Also, it's 30 years since that movie came out!
Also, buy a baby prop for nearly $3k!
No word on who the artists being covered are just yet.
One owned by the man himself, among a shit ton of others.
Crowbar is working up a new doom record, slowly but surely.
I guess this is sort NSFW, or at least just gross.
Red Fang jams with some cool kids from My Voice Music in on the writing and recording!
It's like getting punched without actually getting punched!
New music will be played, according to The Faceless.
"There are just so many subgenres of metal that it’s almost like a fashion contest at this point. A fashion show, you know?"
A Brockie-less album... let's see how it this goes.
Just in case any of you were stoked on going.
Tankian's orchestral work is fantastic!
Who's gonna be in the bands though?
It's exactly as death metal as you think it is.
All about the crazy train, finally?
It's not quite hardcore, but it still rules.
The album is out soon! And this song rips.
More positive outreach after Menza's unfortunately sudden passing.
No surprises here - new Revocation is ridiculously good.
Seriously, don't be a fuckin' dickhead.