Hi, what are you looking for?
For this August and September.
According to the legendary Gary Holt, anyway.
Les Claypool and the dudes are back for a brief time.
In reference to the lunar eclipse, Super Blood Wolf Moon.
Henry Rollins is doing alright these days.
"I’m sure you might like some of this stuff too."
Dude looks insane as always.
Doomstep? Gnome metal? Slow Chud? Zouk Metal? We got 'em
Surprise! It rules.
New album is coming soon too!
Plus the visualizer does a great job capturing the gross feeling of the song.
Unsurprisingly, it's real heavy.
They're starting to open up about what happened.
It was originally scheduled for March.
It's more of a broad look at how bad everything is.
So far only four of 'em.