Around the Interwebs
No Eliran Kantor paintings in here, sorry.
Hi, what are you looking for?
No Eliran Kantor paintings in here, sorry.
"Swans, My Bloody Valentine, The Young Gods – we’re heading more down that path."
Out maybe this September?
"I can't see why we don't spend the money on getting a committee in every city to weed out the bad guys."
Yeah, it's Final Fantasy themed.
Soilwork has revealed they're back at Nordic Sound Lab.
"We’re kind of turning the corner to the next thing."
Apologies or not, people are going to get sick now.
Ex-Baroness guitarist and vocalist Peter Adams ain't messing around.
How's that for being productive?
Did someone say death metal?
"It is an insanely progressive record."
"We’ve been talking a bunch and he had sort of planted the seed in my ear."
His new album also has a release date.
From a split with Lionize.
Not quite The Osbournes, but it still has potential.
Previously only available in a box set.
There is some serious low-tuned madness in here.