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UPDATE: There is a fancy new mashup widget available to toy with after the jump… Hey, remember that Feistadon split EP released by Mastodon...

Upcoming Releases

Record Store day is always a treat for anyone with a set of eardrums. With rare and ultra exclusive albums being released in limited quantity,...

Sick Art

We've told you about the forthcoming split 7" that Mastodon are doing with pop artist Feist, where each artist will cover the other's. Mastodon...

Upcoming Releases

A few months ago, Mastodon


Before you think to yourself if you've heard of this new death metal band called Feist, stop yourself! Feist is not brootal. She is...

Show Recap

Day three delivers a musical barrage that satisfies heavy metallers and eclectic rockers in equal measure.


"Honestly, the biggest flaw of Phantoma is a gripe that could be made about a lot of power metal: too much of it sounds...


"While more variety and adventurousness would surely improve The Cancer Pledge, it's already pretty damn good."


Egokills is a superb example of how to uphold a consistent identity while also ensuring that each piece of the puzzle feels individualized and...


"Spirit Adrift never sacrifices quality for quantity, and with its heartfelt songwriting and dynamic arrangements, Ghost at the Gallows is likely the best example...


"While Exul doesn't definitively top Ne Obliviscaris' past achievements, it surely earns a spot alongside them."


"Myriad is a terrific record from beginning to end. By fusing several considerably different approaches, the album—like Feberdr​ö​m before it—tastes like a wonderfully eclectic...


"Path of 1000 Suns is far from revolutionary, but it manages to mix several styles in highly effective—and sometimes surprising—ways."


"Dimensional Bleed is more than just a collection of opulent post-metal songs; it’s an enchanting yet challenging journey for the heart, soul, and mind."


"Empress may be a burgeoning band, but with Fateweaver, they prove themselves capable of rivaling the best of their genre peers and progenitors."


"Radiant Bloom is sure to delight and inspire all who hear it."


"As In Stasis demonstrates, progressive metalcore simply doesn't get much better than Monuments."


"Like its predecessors, Isle of Wisdom finds Hällas doing a miraculous job of channeling inspirations."

Gimme Metal's Top Tracks of the Week

Gimme Metal Program Director Brian Turner delivers the week's top 5 office buzz-worthy tracks. CADAVER – Morgue Ritual Megadeth stickman (and host of Gimme's weekly...

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include a miserable concept album, a shock rocker gone country (but not really), Top Gun rock, and more!

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Likely featuring the new track "Light the Torch."

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