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Search results for "orchestra"

Upcoming Releases

Maybe we'll hear new music sometime this decade?


Retro metal gone death? Basically.

Live Footage

Original Entombed members Alex Hellid (guitar) and Ulf "Uffe" Cederlund (guitar) along with former frontman Orvar Säfström performed the band's sophmore album, Clandestine, on...


Dave Lombardo might have gotten the boot from Slayer, but he's far from done with music. Lombardo has got his own band Philm currently...


According to a video the band posted on August 21, Dimmu Borgir are planning on performing at the Wacken Open Air Festival with an...


Serj Tankian has been up to some stuff, including a jam with Devin Townsend and Ihsahn! This is not that. This is orchestral music.


As you probably know at this point, Misery Signals are kickstarting a new record and have done pretty well for themselves. Now they're talking...

Upcoming Releases

If you watched the latest edition of The FiX, our music video show, you know that Frank was surprised during his stay at Backroom...

Latest News

Ben Weinman of The Dillinger Escape Plan knows how to keep busy. The guy has been working on a few projects as of late,...

Upcoming Releases

One of the bright sides of stalking your idols on Facebook and Twitter is getting updates directly from the source. For example, if you...


It's the hump-day AV roundup. Let's play some tuneskis. Got a killer orchestral cover of Converge, new music from Dying Fetus, Corey Smoot, The...


How can you make Dimmu Borgir more epic? Bring out the orchestra! The Norwegian Radio Orchestra specifically, the same one the band has recorded...

Mashups & Covers

"I haven’t worked this hard since my masters recital on classical violin. I’ve ripped up my fingers to shreds, they bled, they blistered."


"Give Vanden Plas a shot if you're looking for some accessible metal that will be sure to satisfy your melodic tooth."

Tour Dates

"It's straight to the point, and heavier than what we've been in a while."

Metal Merch

Twenty-five rockstar tell the stories of their personal encounters with the heralded Motörhead founding father.