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New Music

In our recent interview with the bad boy of synth-wave, he talks about his upcoming album, Valediction, being a personal album that doesn't hold...

Metal Crimes

I guess having a band name like "Torn The Fuck Apart" causes some red flags.


Slipknot are doing just fine without Chris Fehn.


It's not easy for a band to come to the States.

Music Videos

These Catalan-based princes of moody ambient metal is an act I've spoken about many times before, and with the release of Els Sepulcres Blancs...


If you were watching WWE Summerslam tonight, you saw the return of Bray Wyatt who was debuting his new persona, "The Fiend" in a...

Injection Reflection

We finally heard a new Tool song, and Slipknot released their first new album in years. It was a busy week. Here's what you...

br00tal Comedy

Less than a week after two senseless mass shootings in the United States, I would think stumbling upon another Gun Drummer cover video would...

Upcoming Releases

Babymetal has confirmed they will be releasing Metal Galaxy, their third full length album on October 11th via earMusic. Special guests for the album have...

Gimme Metal's Top Tracks of the Week

Every Thursday, Gimme Radio Program Director, Brian Turner, delivers the top 5 jaw-dropping tracks on Gimme Radio. Culled from the week’s past shows, these tracks...

Shocking Revelations

There is a different version of All Hope Is Gone out there somewhere.

New Music

Hellyeah's new album is right around the corner, and they've just released a new track. We've already heard "Welcome Home," the title track, and...

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include melodic proggers, masked Iowans, and more!  To the metals...


Slipknot have easily released their best music in the last 15 years.


Welcome to Throwback Thursday. This is the place where we get to indulge in nostalgia and wax poetic about excellent metal of years past....