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Search results for "boar"

Metal Science

"[Death metal] fans are nice people. They're not going to go out and hurt someone."

It's Just Business

This is not a drill - free Hulu if you have Spotify!

New Music

This band deserves to be way bigger than they are.

Weekly Injection

This edition includes some keyboard wizardry, some guitar wizardry, probably some wizard wizardry, and more! To the metals...

Gimme Metal's Top Tracks of the Week

Every Thursday, Gimme Radio Program Director, Brian Turner, delivers the top 5 jaw-dropping tracks on Gimme Radio. Culled from the week’s past shows, these tracks...

Latest News

Are you at all curious about this new iteration of the event? 

Full Album Stream

Hey there tech fiends, it's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual weekly reminder that if...

Tour Dates

Hollywood's all star team is back.

Upcoming Releases

But we don't know what the album is called just yet.

Earnings & Attendance

How much money does a band make on the road? Billboard hopes to answer that question, somewhat, by providing gross sale reports in their...


Occupational hazards notwithstanding, The Eighth Mountain is a very strong addition to both Rhapsody of Fire’s canon and the world of symphonic/power metal globally.


Playing the guitar is the best. The. Best. I have played guitar for 22 years and every single day I feel the same excitement about picking...

Twenty Nine-Scene

The year 2019 is now Twenty Nine-Scene. Join Two Minutes to Late Night co-creator Drew Kaufman as he looks at back at the seminal albums that...

Upcoming Releases

"We're hoping to put a new record out, and we'll just see what happens when it happens."


I started my 70000 Tons of Metal journey, my first ever cruise, scraping myself out of a bed in Miami Beach. Mornings like this...

New Music

Hannes Grossman of Alkaloid, Hate Eternal, Triptykon and formerly of Obscura.

Music Videos

Lathered in all sorts of weird, but chaotically math-core, the gentlemen in Steaksauce Mustache bring forth a new album titled Superwoke to be released...

Music Videos

A tribute to Tom Petty and Floridian hurricane victims.