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Just gettin' it together before the big show.


In 2016, Metallica drummer Lars Ulrich joked that if Trump became President, he would consider moving to Denmark. At the time he said: "I...

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The James Hetfield one won't make you better at downpicking.


Your everyday metalhead likes to think of him/herself as an iconoclastic rapscallion thumbing their nose at the lemming-like banality of the entertainment mainstream. Truthfully,...

Metal In The Mainstream

"We laughed at how some people think it's wrong for people who disagree to be friends."


Also members of Arch Enemy, Scorpions, Accept, Michael Schenker Group!

Injection Reflection

It's hard to believe summer is winding down, but we only got a few weeks left. Here's what you missed this week: METALLICA Say...


"We’re always trying to be where we want to be, not where other things around us are. . . . It’s better to keep...


Was Hogan auditioning for Anthrax too?

Live Footage

The Big Four of thrash – Slayer, Megadeth, Anthrax, and Metallica.

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Thanks to the All Within My Hands foundation.


UK-based indie label APF Records is one of metal's best kept secrets, consistently pumping out some of the best underground metal the UK has...

Live Footage

Metallica will soon play at a drive-in theater by you (and the Howard Stern show)! In the meantime, you can watch the band play...

Live Footage

Featuring a Depeche Mode cover.