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Injection Reflection

It's officially November, which means only two months left in 2017. Where did the time go?! Here's what you missed this week: AVENGED SEVENFOLD...

Weekly Injection

This editions features several long-awaited returns, gore, politics, and more! To the metals...

New Music

The band unveiled another brutal new track from the album, and it shows why the band is leading the death metal pack.

Core Breakdown

The first two singles from the upcoming Morse record are very promising in all their hardcore and powerviolence glory


The Dusk in Us is album number nine and possesses all the thematic and visual doom ‘n’ gloom as has always been the case,...


The legendary Cannibal Corpse presents a truly brutal and horrifying gift in Red Before Black


Ireland's Ten Ton Slug slither in with another superb release in Blood and Slime

Weekly Injection

This edition includes music that pisses my cat off, a progressive masterpiece, lots of feedback, and more! To the metals...

Dank Slams

Yep. We know. This is Dank Slams. All dank, all the time, right? Wrong! Shit can be dank and not slam like your Uncle...


Welcome to Throwback Thursday! This is the place where we get to indulge in nostalgia and wax poetic about excellent metal of years past....


Gutslit is coming at you with the same sort of balls out assault that drew so many of us to the death metal genre


There’s still life in the routine yet.


When I first started this podcast, one guest I knew I had to get on here is the epitome of the intersection between metal...


Corpsegrinder takes issue with Suicide Silence fans who say Mitch Lucker would be rolling over in his grave.

New Music

Dallas Toler-Wade brings the complete death metal package.

Weekly Injection

This edition includes a bunch of metal that I'm ignoring to listen to the new St. Vincent record including proggy vikings, death obsessed OGs,...

Upcoming Releases

"Post-Self sees them move away from metal and experiment with industrial and post-punk sounds, exploring what inspired them in the first place."


The original version was deemed "too brutal" by WWE.


"Heaven Upside Down is just a damn good album that flows exceptionally well, keeps you interested, and proves that Marilyn Manson absolutely has a...

Weekly Injection

This edition includes accident prone goth legends, guitar wanking, sludgy goodness, and more! To the metals...

RIP a Livecast

Rob came back from a quick jaunt to Chicago and shares some stories about having deep dish, Kuma's Corner and a fancy hotel experience....


The Atlas Moth's Stavros Giannopoulos talks how his attending WrestleMania VI got him signed to his first label deal

Upcoming Releases

Enjoy the end from the comfort of your own couch.