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Best of 2017

Hey Freaks!  Here is a whopper of a year end list to get you googling while I finish up the return of The Obituarist. ...

Video Premiere

The Denver duo of Oryx makes their return this week with a brand new album entitled Stolen Absolution. The band's second full-length record fluidly combines gritty...

Latest News

"I’ve experienced loss before. Loss of innocence. Loss of youth. Loss of a loved one. But this loss is something I can’t seem to...

Video Games

"Developing a Ziltoid phone app... in tandem with new music," he says.


Although there isn't much awareness of an Israeli metal scene, Orphaned Land is easily the biggest and most recognizable heavy act from the Middle...


The newest record from Wake, Misery Rites, makes for a savage trip into rage.


A bit of filler aside, Tengger Cavalry's latest is a wonderfully inventive breath of fresh air. Folk metal enthusiasts will find much to enjoy.


"It must be made clear that I am a Luciferian and do not preach hate, nor would I endorse a setting that allows hate...


No more KISS?

Upcoming Releases

The chances of hearing new Tool music in 2018 seem better and better.


"One of the things that drives me nuts about [the latest Florida shooting] is everything failed. The FBI failed, and there was a police...


"The lunatic shooter in Florida is 19 years old & can’t buy a six pack of beer by law because our society doesn’t believe...

Shocking Revelations

Yi alleges Manson showed up to the set of a TV show and made crude, sexist and racist remarks to the women on set.


Warped Tour ain't taking no shit for their last run.


Congrats to Palmeri for helping Fronzak promote his new single.

Latest News

The lyrics for the new Tool album are almost done, according to frontman Maynard James Keenan.

Injection Reflection

It's President's Day weekend here in the States, which means a three-day weekend for some, and but not for us. We'll see you on...

Caption Contest

First thing's first: Last week's winner! Congratulations to nyckelly3, who had the best zinger: "Looks like someone just woke up from a napster." Now...

Funeral Doom Friday

Finally, the weekend is upon us. What better way to kick it off than with the latest installment of "Funeral Doom Friday". For those...