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Search results for "Age"

Upcoming Releases

Babymetal are finally revealing their story.

Upcoming Releases

A much-talked-about Chris Cornell rarities set has been confirmed to be released in November. The box set was curated by Cornell's wife, Vicky, with...

New Music

They're crazy, and they're not afraid to tell you so.

Weekly Injection

This edition includes underrated legends, a top hat with a wig (allegedly) sewn into it, heaviness, and more! To the metals...

New Music

More Cattle Decapitation is coming very soon! Well, sort of. The band will release a new rarities collection, brilliantly titled Medium Rarities, on November 23rd....


On their latest album, The Wake, legendary Canadian progmeisters Voivod show their creativity and innovation is as strong as ever.


Chicago doom: invincible, immaculate, larger than life and prone to taking on the world. Trouble was of course the forefathers, but when hard times hit the...


Welcome to Throwback Thursday! This is the place where we get to indulge in nostalgia and wax poetic about excellent metal of years past....

Full Album Stream

"We have carved our pound of flesh and put it to music for all to devour. But is it is our pound of flesh;...

Tour Dates

Plus a Necrophagist reunion! Okay not really, but maybe. Seriously though, no.

Latest News

After they cancelled all their tours this summer due to M. Shadows' inflamed vocal cords.

Tour Dates

We are so excited to be one of the sponsors of Obscura's current North American run of tour dates with Beyond Creation, Archspire, Inferi,...

Tour Dates

Cage The Elephant will also perform.

Music Videos

Tribulation being typically creepy and fantastic.

Song Premiere

Hey there tech fiends, it's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual reminder that if you're...


The new creative outlet for four dudes who paid their dues long ago and remain members of extreme music’s corner of the universe for...

Tour Dates

You can never really get enough Sleep, both the band and the activity.