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"I would say there's definitely a new Priest album on the way."

Guest Column

Introducing BRUTAL GLASS, the first metal music-inspired glass line for metalheads by metalheads. Combining heavy metal and 420 Culture, Brutal Glass brings something new...

Metal Merch

I guess Pantera really isn't selling it, are they?

At The Movies

"Jonas Åkerlund said it from the very beginning: 'This is not a documentary.'"

Injection Reflection

We're almost at the ides of March. But don't beware. Instead, take a look at what you missed this week… Confirmed: SLIPKNOT Summer 2019...

Dank Slams

It's been far too long since those long, luscious slegs (slam legs) have been spread revealing that mysterious, golden, cheeto-dust covered split. This time,...

Fuck Yes!

Danica Roem made history last year as Virgina's (and the nation's) first out trans person to be elected and serve in a state legislature....

Upcoming Releases

We think it's brown?


The venue didn't want to deal with any fallout from the bashing of Donald Trump

Gimme Metal's Top Tracks of the Week

Every Thursday, Gimme Radio Program Director, Brian Turner, delivers the top 5 jaw-dropping tracks on Gimme Radio. Culled from the week’s past shows, these tracks...

Upcoming Releases

They also have some babies on the way!

Tour Dates

Holy crap! There are not too many bands that I would imagine Slipknot would be willing to open for, but Metallica is definitely one...

New Music

It's like a more stripped down, slower early Mastodon.