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Search results for "young"

Twenty Nine-Scene

The year 2019 is now Twenty Nine-Scene. Join Two Minutes to Late Night co-creator Drew Kaufman as he looks at back at the seminal albums that...

Cinema Fix

We love our metal here at Metal Injection… but we dig movies too! Welcome to Cinema Fix, a movie guide tailored for the metal...


The boys are back in town!

Music Videos

Los Angeles-based extreme metal trio Athanasia — featuring former members of Five Finger Death Punch, Sebastian Bach and Murderdolls — will release its debut...


Listen as members of Blut Aus Nord indulge their industrial metal and dystopian soundscape fantasies.


He loves his old work, he just doesn't wanna go back to it.

Weekly Injection

This edition includes atmosphere, pop, prog, grandpa's guitars, and more! To the metals...

Fuck Yes!

Weirdly enough he confirmed it to grindcore band Terrorizer.

Tour Dates

While Roadburn 2019 might be completely sold out for its entire four-day weekend, the Netherlands-based music festival has added another (and final!) round of...

Tour Dates

Warped is back!


Admittedly, I'd previously been reluctant to give Silent Planet a shot due to their connection the Christian metalcore subgenre, but a friend finally convinced...


If it isn't clear by now for all, the nature of the music industry is that of a dynamic entity where trends and technology...

Back in the Day

Before we get started on this headbanging nod to the heavy metal scene in Seattle in the 1980s, I think it's important to disclose...

Breakups & Shakeups

Current & former members of Shattered Sun, Upon A Burning Body and Sons Of Texas have joined.

The Obituarist

Trevor Strnad of The Black Dahlia Murder here kicking off a brand-new year of extreme metal recommendations. 


Khôrada's Dan Anderson talks starting from degree zero, the demise of Agalloch and crafting an anti-Trump record.

Fuck Yes!

"It's my intent to be this cut, ripped, 70-year-old dude, hauling the double bass and just crushing the drums."


Fusing a whole variety of black metal, this is a thrilling debut that can't help but to fascinate.


Welcome to Throwback Thursday! This is the place where we get to indulge in nostalgia and wax poetic about excellent metal of years past. For...

Twenty Nine-Scene

Hot Damn! was great, is still great, and will always be great.

Weekly Injection

This week features djentiness with beeps and boops, djentiness without beeps and boops, and more (without beeps and boops)! To the metals...