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Search results for "slayer"

Celebrity Metalheads

Apparently, they are her favorite band.

Tour Dates

Their biggest tour yet.

Injection Reflection

May is in full effect and this week seems like it belonged to Tool. The band finally played some new music live and they...


Metal Injection’s head babysitter, Rob Pasbani and I both agree that Sweden’s Martyrdöd is a little-known band. His metric has something to do with...


Would you want the fest to return?


Well, I was going to go on Jeopardy and always bet $666, but now that I can't, what's the point?!

Injection Reflection

And just like that, April is almost over. At least the weather is a bit nicer (in New York at least). Here's what you...

Upcoming Releases

It'll be out late this year or early next year.

Injection Reflection

If you live in the States, don't forget about your taxes or Uncle Sam gets angry, and you don't like him when he's angry....

Celebrity Metalheads

The man's metal journey has been great to watch.

Back in the Day

1983 was a pretty great year for heavy metal, and many metal bands would release albums which to this day are coveted by headbangers....


Members of Opeth, Dream Theater, Ghost, Megadeth, Conjurer, Cradle Of Filth and more.

Show Recap

MUSINK 2019 was a weekend full of loud tunes and insane tattoos. Every year, Travis Barker’s annual shin dig brings many of the world’s...