Hi, what are you looking for?
"I love all the Slayer stuff we've done so far with this band live"
“I love singing Tom's stuff. I say that because I'm a Slayer fan, plain and simple.”
"I'm not against it. If you ask me, like, what if Glenn Tipton sang all the Priest's songs. Would you wanna hear it?"
Jeris Johnson is back.
Men Without Qualities rules.
...it's way funnier than you think it's going to be.
While ostensibly sounding much like their last few from a production standpoint, Repentless is actually the band's most unapologetically thrash album in years.
By Ben Apatoff Why bother reviewing a new album by SLAYER? You'll enjoy it if you liked the last few, and you'll steer clear...
And why the American ones are even happening.
Go in depth with the man himself!
Aside from the fact that it's Slayer and they rule.
It's not because Tom was bad at bass.
"Even Slayer. They weren't that buzzsaw guitar back in the day. All those bands. Biohazard. I mean, all those bands — they were hard...
"Play a few shows and then jump back in the coffin…"
"Don't get used to this being a yearly event."