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If I make a list of quintessential Roadrunner Records bands, without question, Machine Head would be on that list. The band have been with the...

Upcoming Releases

With new releases from Serj Tankian and P.O.D. this week, I feel like I'm a 13-year-old outcast in a corner with a portable CD...

Upcoming Releases

It's a huge week for metal, so I'll spare you the cute introduction and get right to it. Without further ado, let's take a...


Gaza are pissed off. I mean, dangerously pissed off. They’re one of the few bands in the extreme music today that actually lives up...

Hand Ov Doom

It's been a while but the Hand ov Doom has finally returned from Maryland Deathfest. We're getting back to the grim, stark reality of...


The PR cycle for Psalms of the Dead comes front loaded with some unfortunate news: after five years of fronting Candlemass, singer Robert Lowe...

Upcoming Releases

I was a bit overwhelmed by the staggering amount of big releases out this week; but it's true, the metal gods are just, and...

Hand Ov Doom

Hand ov Doom is drinkin' beers and eating crabs in the pungent low-tide depths ov Baltimore Harbor! We're here to celebrate America's Biggest Metal...

Relapse Records Podcast

Its the Relapse Records Maryland Death Fest podcast special!! Featuring tracks from all performing Relapse Artists, old and new, in addition to exclusive tracks...

Metal Merch

Thanks to our buds at MetalSucks for giving us the heads up that Amazon.com is having another awesome $5 album sale. There are 100...

Hand Ov Doom

In an age where Illuminati-controlled mass media has dumbed down society, where alien encounters have been covered up for years, where everyone actually is...


Coined by producer/Hate Eternal frontman Erik Rutan, Alex Webster is the Steve Harris of death metal. Webster, one of the two remaining original members...

Injection Reflection

This week marked the end of February and the beginning of March, which is crazy because it feels like New Year's was just like...

Latest News

International grindcore supergroup, Lock Up‘s (featuring At The Gates frontman Tomas Lindberg, Anton Reisenegger of Pentagram and Criminal on guitar, Napalm Death bassist Shane...

Tour Dates

I'm loving the new Lock Up album, which is a new project featuring an all-star lineup of Tomas Lindberg of At The Gates/Disfear on...

Upcoming Releases

Well, here is the big 11/11/11 announcement, announced at 11:11am pacific time: the original Black Sabbath is back! The band announced (via the above...

Show Recap

Metal Injection sent intrepid writer/photographer  Aline Miladinovich to the 2nd annual Bloodstock UK fest. The lineup featured the likes of Motorhead, Morbid Angel, Immortal, WASP,...


It's mid-week and there is a ton of new music out there, so get your ears ready, cause it's time to rock! Let's start...


Last week we had photos, this week week we have video of Behemoth jamming in preperation for their big comeback. Anybody else really excited?


Does anyone still care about Anaal Nathrakh?  After making waves early on with their love-it-or-hate-it blend of black and death with industrial overtones, the...

Tour Dates

Canadian metalheads take note: Cavalera Conspiracy and Napalm Death have been confirmed for the 11th installment of the Trois-Rivières Metalfest: set to take place...

Upcoming Releases

Dying Fetus are gearing up for Summer Slaughter with the release of a new covers EP called History Repeats, which will feature 6 covers...

RIP a Livecast

This edition of the Livecast kicks off Mayhem Month, where we'll have a member of a band on Mayhem Fest on each week. We...