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Search results for "ABR"


Those in the know still get a perverse kick in being able to thrust this band upon the unsuspecting.

Kids In Metal

We had a blast at the New York Comic Con this year. One of the highlights was talking with our 10 year old buddy...

Tour Dates

This is a death metal bill!

Metal Crimes

Police said gunshots were fired at the venue around 7:10 p.m with the brawl taking place inside and including knives, bats and machetes.

Black Metal History

Since 1982, Thomas Gabriel Fischer (AKA Thomas Gabriel "Warrior") has been one of the guiding forces behind extreme metal. With the formation of Hellhammer...

Weekly Injection

Now, I've had some slow weeks in the past. But holy hell... Next week will be sweet though.

Music Videos

IT'S FINALLY HERE! New Behemoth, and it's awesome! Video is NSFW for mild-boobage, so be warned! From their new album, The Satanist which comes out Feburary 4...


Just. give. me. new Behemoth. ALREADY!


In lieu of giving us their new album The Satanist due to delays, Behemoth will finally grace us with some new music (justifiably given...


We know that the highly anticipated next Behemoth record, The Satanist, isn't coming out until 2014 but that doesn't mean we'll have to wait...


Tres Cabrones is the second Melvins album in five months, and like its predecessor, Everybody Loves Sausages, there is a bit of stunting involved here. Whereas Sausages focused on a...


We here at Metal Injection are super pumped to announce that we will have a presence at the New York Comic Con this year,...


Årabrot are one of those bands like the Melvins, who peddle adventurous, forward-thinking music that insistently pokes at the edges of the envelope, all to...

Live Footage

Behemoth played a new track at Brutal Assault Festival in Jaromer, CZE this past weekend. The track, "Blow Your Trumpet Gabriel" will appear on the...


To celebrate the release of James LaBrie's new solo record, Impermanent Resonance, you can stream the whole thing! It's way more metal than you...

Upcoming Releases

Was the the only one who thought James LaBrie's last solo outing, Static Impulse, was pretty good? The Dream Theater front man seems to...

Latest News

Good news for my fellow head banging Gothamites! This summer New York City's getting a brand new music fest that's geared to fans of...


What rolls through my head while listening to German stoner rock trio Kadavar’s second album, Abra Kadavar? This is music to get stoned to....

Music Videos

Boston, Massachusetts female-fronted death metal unit ABNORMALITY have dropped a new music video for the track "Fabrication of the Enemy."

Around the Interwebs

If you've ever had to ask yourself, "what the hell did James LaBrie just sing at me?," then look no further for your answers.


Feh, Tuesday. What a lame day. Thankfully, we have a bunch of new music to get us through it. This includes some cool new...

Free Swag

MetalSucks, Metal Injection and Metal Insider are teaming up with Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter to offer three lucky winners two passes each to see...