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Upcoming Releases

A list of all things metal to be released on record store day 2015


A list of the most exciting women in metal to watch this year.

Weekly Injection

Greetings nerds. This week is a slower week for releases, but I'm a bit relieved. I've been moving and the last thing I need...


The newest album by Royal Thunder, Crooked Doors, due out for release next month, is already getting a lot of buzz in the metal...

Earnings & Attendance

Foo Fighters and Slayer both sold out the same venue on different nights. But who actually drew more money? We have the answer…

Upcoming Releases

By the end of the year, we may finally hear this album!


Could the Black Dahlia Murder be making their Summer Slaughter return?

Injection Reflection

This was a surprisingly eventful week in metal. If you don't understand why it's surprising, take a look at the top stories… SLIPKNOT's Mick...

Metal Merch

One of their biggest sales yet!


A look back at an uprising that captured the spirit of the heavy metal community a decade ago.

Fuck Yes!

The supergroup featuring Max Cavalera, Mastodon's Troy Sanders and The Dillinger Escape Plan's Greg Puciato may take the act on the road this fall.


Killer Be Killed- unsurprisingly awesome live.


Today Is The Day, Obituary, Pig Destroyer, Car Bomb, Coliseum... it goes on.

Live Footage

Grammys be damned, if you haven't picked up the first Tenacious D album, you're missing out on a classic album. Robb Flynn and his...


It's all Taylor Swift covers. The whole album.

Bummer Alert

For the second year in a row, the Grammys refuse to pay tribute to fallen metal musicians.

Metal In The Mainstream


RIP a Livecast

We kick off the show discussing the recent news of the potential of Megadeth's classic lineup. This leads to some great Dave Mustaine chat....

Injection Reflection

There is no turning back now, 2015. We're here and we're here to stay. Here are this week's most trending stories: Unknown Band Re-Records...