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I know this review is about a year over due, but I felt that it was about time someone gave this band a little...

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  Yes, folks that's right. "Metal" is not only that thing that mothers fear and television service announcements warn children about… it's an actual...

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  As many of you know, MARILYN MANSON and legendary thrash titans SLAYER plan on kicking off a co-headlining tour July 25th. Kerry King...

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Our photographer, Trevor Campbell has outdone himself yet again. He has just uploaded awesome live shots of HEAVEN AND HELL, MEGADETH and MACHINE HEAD...

Ask Me...I'm Right

That's Greg Weeks, he's the bassist of the wildly popular group, THE RED CHORD. He is quite knowledgeable about many things, if you ask...

Video Games

As we've previously reported, the makers of Guitar Hero are taking it to the next level, with their newest creation, "Rock Band". The new...


Above is a “making of” video for the latest Nora album. A new song titled “Famous Last Words” has been posted at their MySpace...


Deadlock is a combination of what are probably now the most nauseating ingredients in metal – nth generation melodic Swedish death metal, screamed verses, and...


Something good must be in Poland's water, because top-notch death/grind bands are erupting from there like fluids at a GWAR show.  Thankfully, Selfmadegod Records...

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LENG TCH’E are set to begin a string of tour dates in support of their new album "Marasmus". The band will meet up IMMOLATION...

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THE DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN have posted the following update: “We start official album tracking this week in the secret underground recording location in Alaska....

Video Games

An official website has been launched for the upcoming Playstation 2 videogame "Guitar Hero Encore: Rocks The 80s" here. With it comes the announcement...


"Obscurus Advocam" and "Verbia Daemonicus" are evidently improper Latin for "Invocation of Darkness" and "Speech of the Devil."  Latin is the official language of...


Katon De Pena's yowl is just as distinctive as those of '80s greats like Paul Baloff or Steve "Zetro" Souza.  However, while his band...


After the demise of German black metal band Nagelfar (not to be confused with the Swedish band Naglfar), drummer Alexander von Meilenwald formed The...

Clip of the Day

Who doesn't love Lil Jon? What?! Apparently, he hosts the European version of MTV's Pimp My Ride. And, he pimps out a ride for...


Throne of Katarsis isn't for the impatient.  On the Norwegian band's debut full-length, An Eternal Dark Horizon, it unfolds five songs over 55 minutes. ...

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Canadian musician/producer Devin Townsend has commented on published reports that he will no longer make albums or tour with his STRAPPING YOUNG LAD and...

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Bury Your Dead have parted ways with their latest frontman Michael Crafter (formerly of I Killed The Prom Queen), Crafter issued the following statement...


It's pompous.  It's polished and perfect.  The first instrumental solo is blistering, full of fleet fingering and hot bends – on keyboards.  The kind...

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The upcoming release of UK death metal giants AKERCOCKE’s latest album Antichrist has caused uproar amongst Northern Ireland’s religious community, and is set to...


When done right, the death metal power trio can be quite special; Krisiun, Hate Eternal, and Incantation have all found magic in threes.  On...


Before Behemoth became a death metal juggernaut, it played black metal. Of course, its death metal is often called "blackened," and the Polish band...