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Injection Reflection

2021 is just rolling by fast, but at least spring is in the air! Here are the top 10 stories you may have missed...

Bummer Alert

Guitarist Daniel Freyberg had to be pretty close to legendary guitarist Alexi Laiho's closest friends. After Laiho departed from Children of Bodom, Freyberg joined...

Injection Reflection

It's been a week full of lament, drama, and crazy news, but thankfully it's Friday! Former MARILYN MANSON Guitarist Wes Borland Says Accusations Against...

Record Sales

January was a pretty decent month for hard rock and metal. Despite some larger losses, overall, listenership grew by 5.4%, the largest jump I've...

Injection Reflection

January is officially over! At least we have the Royal Rumble this Sunday. Here's what you missed this week: Dave Mustaine on Alexi Laiho:...

RIP a Livecast

It's the first RIP a Livecast of 2021, and we have plenty to catch up on. We kick things off by paying tribute to...

Upcoming Releases

"As soon as we can get something done, we're trying to get something released as fast as we can."

New Music

Taken from their upcoming album Ignis Aeternum, Finland's Re-Armed are excited to debut the video for their new single "Beyond the Horizon". Re-Armed are...

Metal Crimes

Before today, Jean-Pascal "JP" Fournier was known for his illustration work designing logos and cover art for artists such as Dragonforce, Avantasia, Immortal, Edguy,...


"The reason for writing this is not to point fingers but to clear things up."

Latest News

Guitar and vocalist Alexi Laiho also talks about the split.

Injection Reflection

It's hot. I want to be on the beach. But first, here is what you missed this week… Report: MANOWAR Canceled Hellfest Appearance For...


Members of Opeth, Dream Theater, Ghost, Megadeth, Conjurer, Cradle Of Filth and more.


Finish metal band Children of Bodom's Hexed is their 10th studio album and their first in roughly four years following 2015’s I Worship Chaos. Having...

New Music

A catchy new track.


The year 2019 looks to be a huge one for heavy metal and the anticipation is building. Bands like Tool, Slipknot, Megadeth, Korn, Youth...

Tour Dates

Plus Woflheart, Summoner’s Circle, Hollow Cry and Fragmentum.

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