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Latest News

When James Hetfield isn't busy crushing it on stage or posting sweet selfies to his Instagram account, the man is writing some new material....


Shai Hulud is undeniably one of the most important bands of the last 15 years. On the front lines of metallic-hardcore, they had a...

Tour Dates

Phil Anselmo keeps piling on the projects. He has a solo album in the works, his own record label, and now his own horror...


Suffocation are, for all intents and purposes, my death metal home base. I was weaned on the mid-90s death metal scene in New York...

Black Metal History

As part of Black Metal History Month, we will be spotlighting classic albums that we feel are essential for any fan of black metal....


It's not nice to make fun of people's weight, but in the case of Axl Rose, it's just too easy. When we've written of...

Best of 2012

If you read my intro to last year's list, you already know how strongly I feel about music, an expressive art form, being forced...

Tour Dates

Fans of Marduk and Moonspell, get pumped. The two groups are teaming up for a North American tour in 2013 and they're bringing Inquisition,...

Tour Dates

Here is tour announcement #2 of 3, this one for the metalcore fans. Two standouts from this summer's Mayhem Festival are teaming up for...

Best of 2012

Here are my favorite albums of the year:

Best of 2012

Fuck long-winded reviews. This isn't the place for it. This is a best-of list. Especially with the chaotic violence you'll find below, you'd probably...

Latest News

Your sleepless nights can now end! Cue that glowing, floating butterfly in the Lunesta commercial. Thousands of musicians, fans and right holders now have the...

Mustaine Mania

It's been two weeks and we haven't written about Dave Mustaine? Shame on us! Last we heard, the Megadeth frontman was "just joking" about...


Duff McKagen knows a thing or two about touring. He was part of one of the biggest rock acts of the late 20th century,...

Tour Dates

You may have heard by now that Cattle Decapitation dropped off their current tour with Six Feet Under a few days ago, after an...

Latest News

Soilwork are poised to make a comeback in 2013. While they had a bit of restructuring, they hope to have a new release it...


The moment is finally here; the Time is now (hur-hur). I suppose the default question must be: "does it meet expectations?" But could anything,...

Latest News

Although it seems like we may have to wait an eternity for the next Necrophagist LP to surface, drummer Romain Goulon has been keeping...


I do believe that we have delivered a record that will be accepted and hopefully enjoyed by the DOWN horde — if you will…If...

Tour Dates

This is a suprise revelation. Months after topping off the stellar Summer Slaughter fest in the US, Cannibal Corpse are coming back for another...

Upcoming Releases

Mors Princpium Est has been my shining example of where melodic death metal should be heading for close to a decade now. They're faster,...

Show Recap

The Iron Will Tour has come off its Canadian leg to violently penetrate America with dose after dose of death metal. I drove up...

Tour Dates

I got really excited when I saw Every Time I Die announced a tour with The Chariot, Letlive & Kills and Thrills, because that...