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Search results for "deserve"

Gear Gods

Felix Martin has been an underground guitar sensation for a little while now, so it's cool to see he'll finally get the recognition as...

Latest News

Oblivion, who's 2013 debut we've called one of the must-own albums of the year, has signed to Unique Leader Records! Expect great things.


That's right! If you're attending the Sydney Conservatorium of Music, you may be listening to some extreme music in your courses this year!

Tour Dates

Tour rumors come and go but this one will soon be proven as fact!

Latest News

You think I'm kidding or being cute here, but I'm not. Sunn O))) really did announce this via Southern Lord yesterday, and surprisingly nobody...

Latest News

Randy Blythe has had a whirlwind year, spending the majority of last summer in a Czech prison and eventually being exonerated of all charges...


A little over a year ago, I wrote a review of Autolatry's EP, Of the Land, and enjoyed it quite a bit. After a listen...

Upcoming Releases

Fleshgod Apocalypse plan on releasing another sonic assault on us all come the next few months. Are you ready for that kind of orchestral madness?


The nouveau thrash movement may or may not be dead, but, regardless of how you feel about the genre's well being, Texas' Power Trip...

Tim Lambesis Trial

While you were spending your Memorial Day eating burgers and dogs and hanging with friends, As I Lay Dying frontman Tim Lambesis' family turmoil...


The new Havok single is super heavy and ridiculously fun, just as thrash was intended to be. How ready are you to windmill your...


Geo·dissonance: the metal movement is proliferating to all corners of the globe. In its relentless display of vitriolic truths and the ugliest questions of...

Latest News

Machine Head have been looking for a bassist for a little while now, and even had some big names like Christian Olde Wolbers formerly...


As we've previously reported, Machine Head are on the hunt for a new bassist ever since parting with founding member Adam Duce. The band...


The Omega Experiment's self-titled debut has been out for a little over a year now, but the April 9 re-release on Listenable Records is...

Upcoming Releases

So Tesseract are all geared up to release Altered State, which is essentially four songs split into a bunch that flow through as one. Apparently they're...


It's hard to come up with a genre classification that Italy's Nero Di Marte easily fit into. That makes writing about the band a little...


There are thousands upon thousands of forgotten bands buried and rotting in the coffin of time. And while the heap is often justifiable hill...


Holy shit! The new Black Dahlia Murder song "Into the Everblack" is so unbelievably heavy!

Bummer Alert

Kataklysm drummer Max Duhamel will be leaving the band for an indeterminable amount of time to battle some personal demons. Best of luck, Max!...

METAL Injection

An ominous chorus begins to swell as a deadpan drum is beaten in the background. A voice comes onto the microphone like a demonic...


If you're a fan of the Leper's Caress EP, then you're going to love the hell out of this. Old-school flavored Arsis at its...


The band have released another tune off Disarm the Descent for your consumption!