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TESSERACT Create Animated Film To Go Along With New Album

So Tesseract are all geared up to release Altered State, which is essentially four songs split into a bunch that flow through as one. Apparently they're also geared up for a short film.

The band announced on Twitter that they've done up a 51-minute animation music video for the new album. Then, and I can only assume this was the thought process, they realized that that was about the length of a short film and decided to label it as such. I mean, might as well, right? Cool to see that they're taking their art seriously enough to really let the listeners experience the new album in every which way they can (short of tasting and smelling it, but I hear they're working on that one as we speak). I'd love to see that; hell, I got all types of pumped when Between the Buried and Me did that 10-minute little film for "Obfuscation.". If Tesseract's film is half as good as that video, I think all of their fans will be extremely happy about the ordeal. If not, hey- it was one hell of an attempt and you deserve a pat on the back.


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It's all part of a deluxe version of their latest record.