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TYPE O NEGATIVE's latest album, "Dead Again", has sold just over 22,000 copies in the United States in its first week of release to...

Tour Dates

Dates have been finalized for Bury Your Dead's spring tour with Suicide Silence, Since The Flood, and Stick To Your Guns. Here's the schedule:...


In some ways, this album (and this review) is a triumph against the odds. First, Equal Vision sent this CD in a plain, unpromising...


When you review the band responsible for your employer's theme song, your hands are a little tied. The opening riffs of "Praise the Lord...


I recently spoke with vocalist John Strachan, who is in one of the hottest and unique bands in the underground today, THE FUNERAL PYRE....

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Megadeth's new track "Sleepwalker" has now been made available online here (free sign-up required). The song is lifted from the bands forthcoming new album...

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Guitarist Ola Frenning of the Swedish metallers SOILWORK has posted the following message on the group's official web site: "We're proud to announce that...


It's interesting how hardcore punk is reaching outside itself for inspiration these days. More specifically, it's reaching back in time. There's the whole punk...

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Los Angeles' THE FUNERAL PYRE will depart on a two week West Coast tour with Creator Destructor labelmates CERBERUS. Now supporting the re-release of...


It's not a good sign when all a band does is remind you of other bands. That's the musical equivalent of sleeping with someone...


At the moment, the main selling point for Laethora is that its lineup includes guitarist Niklas Sundin of Dark Tranquillity. A skilled graphic designer...

Tour Dates

Massachusetts-based metal/grind band THE RED CHORD has issued the following update: "Before we head over to Europe with FROM A SECOND STORY WINDOW, we...

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The cover artwork for the new VITAL REMAINS album, "Icons of Evil", has been posted online at this location. Due on April 3, "Icons...


The term "metalcore" has become practically meaningless. When Killswitch Engage, Full Blown Chaos, and Converge fit into the same category, it might as well...

Tour Dates

After nearly a year off due to injuries and the recording of their upcoming realease Alpha, Georgia-based Sevendust are back on the road in...


Metal bands often talk of war, but few actually sound like it. Amon Amarth and Bolt Thrower have built careers around war themes, yet...


Impious' Holy Murder Masquerade has amazingly ingenious liner notes. They take the form of a comic book, with the lyrics as speech and thought...

Tour Dates

Dimmu Borgir is coming back to the U.S. and they will be taking out Unearth, Kataklysm and Devildriver with them. Here are the dates:...


Metallic hardcore – no more and no less. But before you click away, think about why you might object to those two words. Simplistic...

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Well, a congratulations goes out to SLAYER for winning Best Metal Performance for "Eyes of the Insane" beating out LAMB OF GOD's "Redneck", MASTODON's...


Recording an album with a band is hard enough; recording one by yourself is exponentially harder. Thus, it's noteworthy when a one-man project like...

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Turns out Sharon "Money Bags" Osbourne has come up with a genius idea. Let kids get into Ozzfest for free, and charge the sponsors....

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Legendary Floridian Death Metallers, CANNIBAL CORPSE, have posted confirmed tour dates of Europe on their official Myspace page. The dates are as follows: With...