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> A pretty cool video interview with MASTODON, conducted recently by David Farrier of New Zealand's of TV3, has been posted online at this...

METAL Injection

10:05 – Who the hell wakes up at 8AM to go to a metal show? Metal Injection, that's who! We made it to Massachusetts,...


Before Behemoth became a death metal juggernaut, it played black metal. Of course, its death metal is often called "blackened," and the Polish band...

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Vancouver, BC-based heavy metal unit 3 INCHES OF BLOOD has completed work on their hotly anticipated new album entitled Fire Up the Blades.   The follow up...

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Following successful screenings and rave reviews at film festivals in London, Austin, and Philadelphia, the makers of Get Thrashed: The Story of Thrash Metal...

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Outspoken metallers ARCHITECT, which features former members of FOUND DEAD HANGING, are currently looking for a drummer for a summer tour, here is what...


Straightedge metallic hardcore punk brimming with breakdowns – who needs more of this stuff? Turns out that a well-done X-fest is surprisingly refreshing in...

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Los Angeles' CREMATORIUM have been confirmed as one of the support bands for the Los Angeles-area shows on the forthcoming MAYHEM tour in July...


The Fetus is back – faster than ever, and still fierce as hell.  Despite an endlessly revolving door of personnel, the Maryland band has been...


> Who says you can't listen to full CDs for free? Machine Head's new album "The Blackening" is now streaming in it's entirety on...


I really want to hate this, but I can't. Christian metalcore with touches of emo – this album came with three strikes against it....

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TYPE O NEGATIVE's latest album, "Dead Again", has sold just over 22,000 copies in the United States in its first week of release to...

Tour Dates

Dates have been finalized for Bury Your Dead's spring tour with Suicide Silence, Since The Flood, and Stick To Your Guns. Here's the schedule:...


In some ways, this album (and this review) is a triumph against the odds. First, Equal Vision sent this CD in a plain, unpromising...


When you review the band responsible for your employer's theme song, your hands are a little tied. The opening riffs of "Praise the Lord...


I recently spoke with vocalist John Strachan, who is in one of the hottest and unique bands in the underground today, THE FUNERAL PYRE....

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Megadeth's new track "Sleepwalker" has now been made available online here (free sign-up required). The song is lifted from the bands forthcoming new album...

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Guitarist Ola Frenning of the Swedish metallers SOILWORK has posted the following message on the group's official web site: "We're proud to announce that...


It's interesting how hardcore punk is reaching outside itself for inspiration these days. More specifically, it's reaching back in time. There's the whole punk...

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Los Angeles' THE FUNERAL PYRE will depart on a two week West Coast tour with Creator Destructor labelmates CERBERUS. Now supporting the re-release of...


It's not a good sign when all a band does is remind you of other bands. That's the musical equivalent of sleeping with someone...


At the moment, the main selling point for Laethora is that its lineup includes guitarist Niklas Sundin of Dark Tranquillity. A skilled graphic designer...

Tour Dates

Massachusetts-based metal/grind band THE RED CHORD has issued the following update: "Before we head over to Europe with FROM A SECOND STORY WINDOW, we...