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"Helmet In The Bush" is about meth. It’s about when you do meth and you look down at your dick and it’s literally a...

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"A lot of people, they either love or hate me. If I tell anybody what happened it's not gonna change the way they feel...


Nearly 100 bands will be playing at Rock on the Range this weekend, and the amount of options you have may be overwhelming.


Sol Invictus has been a long time coming, given that the band have been touring consistently off and on since 2009, and the most...


Two years ago Tribulation were making a big fish/small pond play at greatness courtesy the (no offense) stunted distribution of Invictus Productions. Proving that...

Today I Learned

The Slipknot frontman apparently has dignity.

Breakups & Shakeups

'It was expressed by one member that "I don't believe in the same Jesus or gospel" as the members of the band.'


One of the higher quality acts to take shape during the pagan folk metal explosion of the 00's, Heidevolk emerged from the Netherlands with...

Metal Day Jobs

The rock star lifestyle – extra income required!

Latest News

No word on why the farewell show was cancelled, but Iommi is okay!

Hell No!

Hey Marilyn, if you're going to lie, make sure to do it in a forum where people can't immediately call you out on it!


Being in a band isn’t easy. Being in a crazy ol’ heavy metal band is even more difficult. It’s like a marriage, but with...


Since regression is a return to a former or less developed state, one will doubtless see the new Theories album in a matter of...


There are a lot of things to like about this album. As a Nasum tribute, you’d be hard-pressed to find an effort better executed...


Before writing this post, I took a look back at the recap I wrote for my first year at SXSW and couldn't believe this...

Music Videos

Karl Agell, formerly of Corrosion of Conformity, has a new band called King Hitter and their debut music video spotlights the crushing track "Feel...

Music Videos

Killer Be Killed just released a new music video for their track "Curb Crusher" which spotlights the band's recent week-long tour of Australia for...


“The visual acts as a very simple representation of political and legal injustice,” says the album’s Art Director, Roger Gorman.