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Search results for "lights"


Though it’s commonly summed up as a homogenized slab of Gothenburg riffs and 90’s hardcore breakdowns, the metalcore explosion of the mid-aughts was actually...

At The Movies

One of the all time great heavy metal cameos in movies was when Cannibal Corpse showed up in Jim Carey's breakthrough hit, Ace Ventura. It...

Injection Reflection

The first week of February is in the books and we kicked off Black Metal History Month in a big way. Catch up on...

Black Metal History

By now, fans know what to expect, and that is the assurance that Taake continually manages to walk the fine line between creative expansion...

Weekly Injection

How about that Puppy Bowl? Amirite!?!?!? New releases from sightless protectors, the death metal project of Andre 3000 and Big Boi, some rad sludge...

Black Metal History

Happy February, or as we've christened it for the last few years… Happy Black Metal History Month. All month, we will celebrate metal's most...

Weekly Injection

Ah yesssss, another lovely week for metal. Whether you want heavy as fuck sludge, melodic djent, or off the wall chaos, there is something...


Is Satan driving your kids to school? More at 11.

Weekly Injection

Oh boy. Slow week already, and this is only the second week of me writing this thing in 2015. This edition includes black metal...


We asked photographer Rodrigo Fredes to pick out his favorite photos from his entire year of shoots. Here are his top 12, in no...


Crows push forward with a sound that is utterly restless without sounding like it's trying to be tougher than the toughest kid on the...

Metal Injection Exclusives

Check out some highlights from this past year in metal. Countdown: Most Controversial Moments ASK THE ARTIST Revolver Golden Gods 2014 Heavy MTL Houscore...

Best of 2014

Picking these releases has been difficult. There's been a lot of good stuff that came out in 2014, perhaps even more so than last...

Latest News

Tributes from Vinnie Paul, Avenged Sevenfold's M. Shadows, Max Cavalera and more.

This Is Just A Tribute

On the 10th anniversary of Dimebag's death, Phil Anselmo pens some touching words.


Here's our ranking, let us know yours in the comments…


It's not mind blowing talent, or ridiculous composition. It's an unwavering performance by a bunch of guys who are passionate about what they do.


Anaal Nathrakh has forged quite a well-deserved reputation for being unrelenting, uncompromising, and truly brutal purveyors of extreme metal. Here in the latter stages...

Weekly Injection

It's officially peanut butter trees season. Pardon me while I get fat. This edition includes tech, atmosphere, dissonance, and more! To the metals…

Live Footage

Metallica closed out their week on The Late Late Show playing their classic tune "Sad But True" Watch night one's performance of "Hit The Lights" right...


We have the science to prove he's wrong!

Live Footage

Here's Metallica's night 4 performance on The Late Late Show with Craigh Ferguson. They will be the resident performers all week long on the CBS late night...

Live Footage

Here's Metallica's night 3 performance on The Late Late Show with Craigh Ferguson. They will be the resident performers all week long on the CBS late night...