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Toyah Willcox isn't afraid to show a little skin, and in her latest video, she bares all to her husband, King Crimson guitarist Robert...

Upcoming Releases

Feat. members of Death Angel, Crypta, Testament, Angra, Periphery, and more.

Injection Reflection

It's the first week of June. The weather is getting warmer and the news is getting spicer. Here's what you missed. VINCE NEIL Tells...


Here is a list of five different songs by five different bands for those who want to dip their toes into the world of...


Slay At Home, the one-of-a-kind virtual metal festival that has brought some of the biggest names in metal into your home alongside humble artists...

New Music

Their new EP is out July 9.


It wouldn't be a Sunday without another Sunday Lunch cover from Toyah Willcox and her husband, King Crimson guitarist Robert Fripp. This week, they're...

New Music

If you like Monolord and Khemmis, you'll like this.


This week's theme is cat suits! Toyah Willcox and her husband, King Crimson guitarist Robert Fripp are back with another classic hard rock cover,...

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Vexed, Vulture, Amorphis, An Autumn for Crippled Children, Mothman and The Thunderbirds, Dr. Colossus, Yautja, and The Devil Wears Prada.

Around the Interwebs

We have a huge appreciation for 10-year-old musician Nandi Bushell, and it looks like we're not the only ones. Cartoon Network has just announced Nandi...

New Music

"Table Scraps are a truly great band and prove again and again that garage punk fury lives!"

Aquanet Fix

Rob Halford has always had a soft spot in his heart for Phoenix. In the early 80s, (as detailed in chapter ten of his...


With today being Robert Fripp's 75th birthday, his wife Toyah Willcox figured it would be a good time to bust out a "Born to...

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Per Wiberg, Panopticon, Subterranean Masquerade, Caliban, and Bernth.


"What will they do next?" is something I find myself asking every Sunday morning for Toyah & Robert's Sunday Lunch series. Today's cover opens...


I really feel like Heart doesn't get the credit they deserve for writing some incredible hard rock tunes, and it seems like King Crimson guitarist Robert...