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Fuck Yes!

It's only looking up from here.

Best of 2013

It's been a crazy year for metal, but rather than the usual break-up drama, this year was filled with arrests, drug busts and some...

br00tal Comedy

Fred Armisen makes a cameo in the new Red Fang video where beer zombies are taking over! From the band's new album, Whales and...

Music Videos

Murder Contruct, the all-star group featuring current and former members of Cattle Decapitation, Intronaut, Exhumed, Phobia and more have premiered this sick new video....

Latest News

Ozzy Osbourne is absolutely one of the funniest people on the planet. His sense of comedic timing is bar-none, making him one of the...

Weekly Injection

I feel like Andy Rooney or Peter Griffin every time I write one of these intros. I sometimes want so bad to just start...


Weekend Nachos are dropping Still on November 11 via Relapse Records, but waiting is for suckers. Especially when it's a Tuesday and life is...

Weekly Injection

Every blue moon, we in the metal community get hit with a fuckton of great releases. It's amazing, but sadly looks like this will...

Full Album Stream

Toxic Holocaust are having a pretty busy 2013 with their upcoming tour in support of their Chemistry of Consciousness record that's coming out October...

Tour Dates

While word initially spread last week about an impending Toxic Holocaust tour, the thrashers have officially announced their US tour with Ramming Speed and...

Weekly Injection

Now I usually don't use this space for any sort of promotion, because why would I? No one reads this part. Fuck it though....


When a band gathers an audience from their inception, expectations get skewed in an unfair way. A hit song can be a blessing in...


We love Weekend Nachos around these parts, we really do. And the band is putting out a new full-length grind opus, Still on November 11th...


Are you ready for all types of kickass Red-Fang-related news? Because we've got all types of kickass Red-Fang-related news. Come jam and get excited...


Around the time of release of the new Black Sabbath album earlier this year, we learned that Ozzy and his wife Sharon were actually...


Toxic Holocaust are releasing Chemistry of Consciousness on October 29 via Relapse Records, and we've already heard "Out of the Fire." Why not jam another? Why...

RIP a Livecast

We were joined by our friend Bob from Relapse Records as well as Jake on this edition of the Livecast. Rob discussed attending the...

Metal Injection Exclusives

We hung out with Red Fang in NYC and asked them to pick some of their favorite songs to drink to. Here are their...


There's a new Red Fang song available. Why haven't you streamed it yet?


You know how there is a four pm? Did you know there is another 4 in the morning? I'm going to introduce myself to...


Imagine a smoke filled room. The acrid air, the fogginess of vision; all the senses permeated by the thick haze. This is the essence...


This better not be true, but there are some serious signs pointing to the fact that Devourment might be in some trouble right now…...


Toxic Holocaust have always been good for solid albums, but Chemistry of Conciousness is just something else… damn.