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Bummer Alert

Some shitty news to kick off the week. Animals As Leaders, fresh off their bullshit court date, returned home from their tour with Thrice...


Prosthetic Records seems to be leading this recent instru-metal movement with bands like Animals As Leaders and Scale The Summit. Now, they have added...

Sick Art

I got into the artwork of Jacob Bannon much sooner than I did Converge's music. In fact, seeing his amazing t-shirt designs is what...

Fuck Yes!

Oh, silly Norwegian Airlines. Did they really think they would'n't be trolled when they set up a public vote asking customers to pick a...


Friends are people with whom you can share a laugh, talk about important topics, share some great ideas over excellent music. This is one...

Upcoming Releases

Iron Maiden decided to film a concert DVD back last year when From Fear to Eternity came out, set in South America, during The...


Geo·dissonance: the metal movement is proliferating to all corners of the globe. In its relentless display of vitriolic truths and the ugliest questions of...


I have to hand it to Periphery drummer Matt Halpern, he's actually doing it. I've known about his project, BandHappy.com for quite a while....


If Life's Blood were an unearthed gem from the 80's its value as a lost classic would be unassailable.  The vast majority of modern, retro-based...

In the News

Seriously, is there anything Bruce Dickinson can't do? He's like a super hero! He can fly, he can jump, he can sing, he can...

Around the Interwebs

I sort of can't believe this is real. Slayer have begun selling condoms on their webstore. The site describes the item as such "For...


You might remember last year I wrote about a peculiar New York City-based band called Resolution 15 that featured vocals, drums, bass, no guitars,...

A View From Behind The Drumkit

A View From Behind The Drumkit is a weekly column written by Darkest Hour drummer Ryan Parrish. Follow along as he scribes down some...

Latest News

It's that time of year again. Time to judge all the bits of the Livecast in 2010, in a few specific categories. These are...

Latest News

Oh, Dave Mustaine! Thank you for keeping me constantly entertained. Between blowing me off at the Golden Gods and hanging out with some buxom...

Video Games

A few days ago we discussed how Guitar Hero was trying to reinvent itself, but that is nothing compared to what the makers of...

RIP a Livecast

On this edition of the Livecast, we had three guests on the air, our friends Loni, Justina and Sean. We had a bunch of...

RIP a Livecast

We leave for one week and all hell breaks loose on Metal Injection. The site is slown to a crawl, no updates, what the...


A few weeks ago we announced that we were teaming up with AUGUST BURNS RED drummer Matt Grenier for one hell of a drum...


By Ben Apatoff Decked out in band posters (some signed) featuring an array of metal gods and cult heroes, the Lucky 13 Saloon in...

Free Swag

We are extremely proud to be teaming up with AUGUST BURNS RED drummer Matt Greiner for one hell of a contest. The band just...

Tour Diary

Coalesce recently embarked on their first European trek ever, so we asked them to document the journey in the form of a few tour...