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HIGH ON FIRE Announce New Album for June Release

Their seventh studio album is coming!

Their seventh studio album is coming!

High on Fire announced today that their seventh studio album, Luminiferous will be released on June 23rd via eOne music.

As previously reported, the Bay Area trio trekked to the other side of the country to work with Kurt Ballou at GodCity Studios on the new album. Ballou also produced the band's previous effort, 2014's De Vermis Mysteriis.

Matt Pike offered the following quote about the new material:

"We're doing our part to expose The Elite and the fingers they have in religion, media, governments and financial world downfall and their relationship to all of our extraterrestrial connections in the race to control this world," comments vocalist / guitarist Matt Pike. "Wake up, it's happening. All while we stare at a socially engineered lie we think of as normalcy. Unless we wake from the dream, there will come true doom."

What about the artwork? Here's what it looks like:

high on fire Luminiferous 2015

In case you're the type of person who enjoys a pointless tracklisting, these are the titles of the tracks on the new album:

1.) The Black Plot
2.) Carcosa
3.) The Sunless Years
4.) Slave the Hive
5.) The Falconist
6.) Dark Side of the Compass
7.) The Cave
8.) Luminiferous
9.) The Lethal Chamber

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