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Music Videos

A crushing grind song in under a minute? Yes, please! Vocalist Tony Gonzahl had this to say about the track: "Play fast or don’t!...

Metal Merch

New "No Peace" kicks are available now.

Show Recap

Last week I made my way up to Hartford’s Webster Theater, as I’ve done so many times in the past 10 years to see...

Tour Dates

You better make plans to see At the Gates in 2015!

Upcoming Releases

Oh hello, new Behemoth!

Latest News

…if you have about $2,000 to blow on a vacation.


If you're a fan of Motörhead but think they sound a little too clean cut, Italy's Overcharge might be what you're looking for. Overcharge...


Slow grooves? Yes, please!

Latest News

The Anthrax guitarist offers his perspective on this infamous incident.


…Robb Flynn knows about it and while he's pissed, he's just going to accept it.

Fuck Yes!

Like Metal Injection, our west coast buds Intronaut also turned 10 years old this year. Of course with any anniversary celebration comes reflection, and...


Behold! Over an hour of underground death metal and grindcore! All for you! All for free! You're Welcome!

Upcoming Releases

Pig Destroyer has always been a band that's about speed and relentlessness above all. The formidable intensity of the band's music comes from the...


Haven’t heard of Nesseria yet? You should have.


Listening to Arizona's Take Over And Destroy is almost as fun as writing about them is challenging. How do you even begin describing a band...

Music Videos

The Contortionist's new music video is as beautiful as the song it accompanies. Directed by Corey Norman. Here's what frontman Mike Lessard has to...

Tour Dates

We promise this will be the last Slipknot post of the day!

Upcoming Releases

This is a live video not to be missed for prog-metal fans.


2014 has been great to power metal fans so far. Edguy, Freedom Call, Iron Savior, Sonata Arctica, Gamma Ray, and Sabaton have all released...