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Search results for "Chord"


Are you ready to hear the sermons of Papa Emeritus III?


When you hear Fear Factory, you know it’s Fear Factory, when you hear subpar Fear Factory, you know it’s subpar Fear Factory. What might...


Scowl’s plan of attack sees them rocketing along with incendiary volleys of rapid-fire power chord progressions, Brutal Truth inspired screech/growl vocal dualism and blasting...


Surprisingly it's not with Phil Rudd trying to kill you.

RIP a Livecast

We celebrated Sid's birthday this week, with a few phone calls from his biggest fans. We talked about Phil Rudd getting arrested again, Danzig...


Watertank know how to balance melody, big riffs, mellifluously throaty vocals and down tuned heaviness, regardless of who they’re aping.

Upcoming Releases

Danzig just celebrated his 60th birthday and there's no stopping him now. Danzig just revealed a bit more info about his covers album, including...


Ever since arising on the fringes of the black metal scene in 2010, Vattnet Viskar has done just about everything in their power to...

Metal Science

Low end? More like the glue that holds this band together.


One of modern prog's best are back with their fifth album, and it is one of their best to date.


I have all the respect in the world for Australia’s King Parrot. They’re a band that has basically taken the step of diving head...


Guest contributor Lauren Adams snapped over 150 photos from the first two nights of New England Metalfest and we just posted the photos. Check...

Latest News

The answer isn't "yeah we're back," but it isn't a resounding "no" either.

Video Games

A whole new way to play Guitar Hero!

Latest News

Spring is here and so is the 17th Annual New England Metal and Hardcore Festival. With so many bands on the bill this year, here...


Karyn Crisis is an artistic and spiritual polymath who always seems to have various soul wrenching projects on the go, which she juggles as...


For those of us who often lament that there’s no energy left in punk, that its all been done before (over and over again),...

Latest News

Could The Satanist have been the final Behemoth album? Maybe.


With WrestleMania play button 31 right around the corner, this Sunday, I thought it would be a perfect time to mesh my two loves –...


While the background and story of Norway’s Haust may be all over the grill of the internet and supportive print publications, they don’t come...