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Welcome to a very special lengthy episode of MSRcast as we bring you a special tribute to David Gold. We celebrate his life and...


The atrocity you see as the featured image on this post is "model" Priscilla Caputo (no relation to Keith Mia Caputo), a woman who...


Is the above image real? The internet is abuzz with rumors that A-list actor, Ryan Gosling was seen at the American Nightmare reunion show...

Quick Bits

Things have been pretty quiet around here this week, and around metal in general. There was still some news that surfaced this week that...

Best of 2011

Every year, Rob asks me to contribute a year-end list to this fine establishment, and every year, I harsh everyone’s buzz by submitting the...


Geo·dissonance: the metal movement is proliferating to all corners of the globe. In its relentless display of vitriolic truths and the ugliest questions of...

Best of 2011

There are dozens of factors that go into creating a "great" record, and I try to consider them all while listening to music of...

Best of 2011

When I first began the thought process of this list I feared I wouldn't even be able to think of ten albums I liked....

Best of 2011

It's been a pretty kick ass year for metal. A lot of great follow ups from established bands, a few new surprises, and plenty...

Around the Interwebs

We all know Pop music is really the work of the devil, even Bill Hicks agreed with that fact. So why do death metal...

Best of 2011

Not too long ago, I went over to Double-Down Saloon to celebrate Frank’s birthday with the rest of the crew from Metal Injection and...

Best of 2011

Fuck long-winded reviews. This isn't the place for it. This is a best-of list. Especially with the chaotic violence you'll find below, you'd probably...

Best of 2011

In 2011 my attention span left the building. I lost interest in anything slower than a barreling freight train, and my enjoyment of the...

Best of 2011

As part of our ongoing series of Best of 2011 posts, we are announcing our Top 10 Music Videos of the Year on the...

Best of 2011

We asked Metal Injection Photographer Aline Miladinovich to reflect on her Top 5 Shows in 2011. You can check out some of her favorites,...

Best of 2011

I offer these up with one of those typical "in no particular order" disclaimers.  That may seem chickenshit to some, but there are just...

Best of 2011

It's that time of the year, when we go through the Best of 2011. To kick things off, we've complied a list of the...


Welcome to another edition of Mainstream Resistance podcast. During this extra lenghty episode, we bring in a special guest host, Bolthorn aka Deadspout, as...

Around the Interwebs

This is pretty much the most awesome photo in the history of the world (for today at least). I'm not exactly sure how this...


I remember the first time I ever heard Spastic Ink's debut LP Ink Complete I immediately stopped what I was doing as if I...

Upcoming Releases

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WU3SZjfbcpI[/youtube] Well, here is the big 11/11/11 announcement, announced at 11:11am pacific time: the original Black Sabbath is back! The band announced (via the...

Upcoming Releases

While we still haven't gotten the promised Sea Sheapard EP that Gojira has already completed, the band has kickstarted the recording of another full-length...

Oh, Danzig

Ah, leave it to Glenn Danzig to keep things interesting.  Whether he's making news shopping for kitty litter or preparing for an apparently large-scale...