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Weekly Injection

This edition includes everyone's favorite crazy German dude going solo, lots of prog, and more! To the metals…


Tau Cross began life last year following Miller's second and ostensibly final disbandment of Amebix, a band whose initial lifespan between 1978 and 1987...

Breakups & Shakeups

The drummer confirms he has left Revocation.

Live Footage

Magrudergrind played two new songs at Temple Fest in the UK a few weeks ago and Metal Injection cameras were there to capture it....

Upcoming Releases

Holy shit a new Windhand record. Everyone shut up.

Upcoming Releases

Oh, and we've got a single. It's pretty fuckin' black metal.

Weekly Injection

This edition is a doozy, and who doesn't love a doozy! Rhythmic melodic upstarts, fist-in-the-air veterans, doom, goblins, and more! To the metals…


Twelve minutes have never gone by so quickly.

The FiX

On this edition of THE FIX Relapse Records' LORD DYING shows off their favorite old school death metal videos from Death, Bolt Thrower, Morbid...

Metal Injection Exclusives

On this episode of ON THE RECORD, we discuss whether or not music labels still play an important role in a band's success, the...


Hey! Grindcore! I'm... actually not surprised at all.


Hello? Yes, this is bloody gore death metal from hell.

Weekly Injection

Pretty solid week this week. New releases from a couple reunited bands, some grimness, some grimy, some prog, and more! To the metals…


Metal Injection previously highlighted 10 Great Metal Collaborations That Worked aka: cool ass supergroups/side projects that got metal fans excited. Fantomas, Bloodbath, Palms, Blotted...

Open Metacast

Some sad news to report with this episode. Apparently the album "Larks" is the last "Returning We Hear the Larks" album for the foreseeable...

Music Videos

You'll think your screen is broken, but it's not, unless it is of course.


Don't kill the vibe! So sayeth Ecstatic Vision, anyway.

Metal Injection Exclusives

On this episode of On The Record we explore the many changes within the genre's media including news blogging, creative content, and foul commenters....


We'd mention Mia Khalifa again but it was only funny to make everyone mad once.