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MYRKUR Taps ARCH ENEMY, MAYHEM, Etc. Members For Debut Record

Oh, and we've got a single. It's pretty fuckin' black metal.

Oh, and we've got a single. It's pretty fuckin' black metal.

Myrkur, the one-woman black metal project headed by Amelie Bruun, will be dropping its debut full-length titled M on August 21 via Relapse Records. The album was co-produced by Ulver's Garm, or Kristoffer Rygg if you're not down with the black metal monikers, and will feature members of bands like Arch Enemy, Mayhem, Nidingr and more!

Myrkur's debut EP was pretty killer, but if the LP is anything like this single titled "Hævnen," then holy shit this is going to be some serious black metal. It took me a few listens to really fall in love with the lo-fi vocals, and once I did I really can't hear them being done any other way. Here's hoping we get maybe another single or two before the record's release!

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Aside from that creepy thumbnail, it's great.