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Previous to Black Heaven, Earthless had its niche and was painted into a comfortable corner. This new album sees a heroic breaking of convention’s...

New Music

Featuring guest spots from dudes in Darkest Hour, Scar Symmetry, and Nightrage!

The Hook Up

We want to send you to the trippiest tour of the summer!

It's Just Business

They stole some lyrics and it came back to bite them a bit.

Around the Interwebs

Calling all leather rebels, forge your name between the hammer and the anvil.


There’s something grander and expansive happening here. But how much opportunity and potential has been quashed by the band's isolationist stance?

Latest News

Kerrang! recently published their "definitive, objective, indisputable list of the best heavy metal band from every U.S. state." It is certainly a bold and adventurous move...

Caption Contest

First thing's first: Last week's winner! Congratulations to Chris, who had the best zinger: "Volga Display of Power" Now for this week's fun photo...

Funeral Doom Friday

Finally, the weekend is upon us. What better way to kick it off than with the latest installment of "Funeral Doom Friday". For those...


Once again, Tommy Lee does not provide a convincing argument.

Weekly Injection

This edition features metal legends, prog metal darlings, a band with "Moose" in their name, and more! To the metals...

RIP a Livecast

There were so many topics broached on this episode of the Livecast. We kick off the episode with some love advice for El Duderino....

Dank Slams

Indulge us, if you will. The set-up: Saturday afternoon, somewhere in buttfuck middle-America. The scene: you and your slack-jawed Uncle Boffo are mindlessly ambling...

Upcoming Releases

It's a friend from the past.

Upcoming Releases

Rancid frontman Tim Armstrong produced the album, which was an interesting choice.


A few weeks ago, we learned that WWE superstar Paige is dating Attila bassist Kalan Blehm. They have been dating for a few months now,...

The Thinking Man

Check out this display of melodic djent with Lunaform

Celebrity Metalheads

"Now that you said I'm a pussy I'll do it. I'm playing a little bit of double bass now."


Corey Taylor and Halestorm, who are playing the fest show their support for the cause as well.

Celebrity Metalheads

"I was a big Primus fan growing up. I was obsessed with them… I was really drawn to them because they were so different."